Nothing is ConstantNothing is Constant

I was thinking about the sun and how we think it’s a constant. It’s always there, even when you cannot see it.

Consider this. The sun is on fire. It’s burning itself into a dead state of nothing but a rock.

“Our star is currently in the most stable phase of its life cycle
and has been since the formation of our solar system,
about 4.5 billion years ago.
Once all the hydrogen gets used up,
the sun will grow out of this stable phase.” [Source]

Whew! Nothing to worry about on the immediate horizon. Right? Well. All the hydrogen will be used up in about 5 billion years. At least, that is the current estimate. That’s a long time from now. Do we need to worry? Do we know the answer?

Forecasting, prediction, and prophecy play a part in all our decisions and understanding. Weather forecasters tell us the best they can, and we know they can never be totally correct. Exit Polls try to guess away the tone of voters and tell us who may be the winner, but there will always be surprises.

What we know is what we experience. We cannot know tomorrow, but we can know the moment we breathe in and out.


A famous set of prophetic writing was by a fellow named Nostradamus. We’ve attempted to take his words and apply them to our times. Was he right? Is it correct to think this way? Who knows? I certainly don’t.

The Bible is full of answers about life and what it will be like when the end arrives.

But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night,
in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise,
and the elements will melt with fervent heat;
both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.
(2 Peter 3:10 NKJV)

Of course, you must believe that Bible prophecy is true, and you must believe there is a power greater than anything we can imagine to cut shorter the time we think we have ahead of us. Or, you must trust science to have the only answer and that scientists have accurate ways of determining the life of a star.

Consider this. Here we are in 2023. Just 100 years ago, in June 1923, Hermann Oberth published a journal on the future of rocketry in planetary space. We’ve been to the moon, landed study instruments on other planets, and crashed landed on an asteroid to send back data of what was there. We’ve sent vehicles out of our solar system (Voyager was launched three years after I married, and it’s the furthest we’ve communicated with our spaceship.)

From dreaming, thinking, studying, writing, publishing, testing, and trial, and error, we’ve done this.

What could we accomplish using the same formula to change our life successfully? Persistence can overcome daily and minute challenges we apply to change the world around us.

We were conceived and born growing old. Even that is proof that nothing stays the same.

Remember. Nothing stays the same unless the intention for it to remain constant is desired.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!