Hello Badge Name TagYes. I don't know that I don't know it all.

I am fine with not knowing everything!

Also, I am fine with getting to a point where I will not care whether an answer to my question will ever come!

Additionally, I think some people think they know it all, make up their minds, and live their lives as if they are content with their knowledge.

If that’s you, this quote is for you!

“You Who Think You Know It All Are Annoying to Those of Us That Do”

There is no such thing as knowing it all! It does not matter how smart you are or how many degrees you’ve garnered! Scientists, Theologians, Scholars… You cannot know it all, and I’m fine with that!

Some years back, I read an article about how excited some were about when the Big Bang happened, but how it spread faster than science told them it could! (Washington Post – I’ve lost the link)

Before you know something is true, don’t you need other independent proof to prove your hypothesis?

Some Things We Will Never Know

“Reports that say that something hasn’t happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don’t know we don’t know. And if one looks throughout the history of our country and other free countries, it is the latter category that tends to be the difficult ones.” ~Donald Rumsfeld


One of the things I have concluded with life – there is always something new that will reveal something we did not know, and it will show how much more of the world around as we still do not know. I am sure there is a label for this, but I don’t know what it might be…. And I’m fine with that!

Some years back (get the drift…old discoveries), a recent skeleton was found in Sudan, estimated to be over 3,000 years old, and was rampant with cancer. (Fox News Report) Again, cancer is shown not to be a recent advancement due to the modern world around us, but it has been around for a while.

When attending a Creation Seminar, we learned how much of what science documents with the age of the earth can be read many different ways, and some of the symptoms we reference can easily be replicated and explained…. I’m fine with not knowing everything, but there is something to be said about having faith in something else. I will believe everything else!

While reading a novel, an item came to light about an individual atom can rest in a single atom state and not be bound to other atoms to form a “product”… You know, it was not too long ago that we assumed an atom was the smallest element – yet now scientist shows that a quark is smaller than an atom and is inside an atom.

So, the next question is, what’s inside a Quark?

The furthest distance of space that a Human has been to is the moon, although we have sent some Voyager vessels out through the universe, and one has even left our solar system. I have reported on this several times. It was launched just 3 years after I married my bride.  Still, with telescopes and computers on earth and in space, we are peering even deeper into the Cosmos to see where it all began. That’s a long way from here.

In a class on Systematic Theology, it appeared the speaker does not know everything – and I’m okay with that. I’m not sure anyone can fully know and understand God…. And I’m okay with that!

In another class, I was reading the “Screwtape Letters” by C.S. Lewis, in which there is a perceived conversation between spirits to keep humans distracted from really knowing God and thus knowing more about non-God things that are safe. A statement is made that sums up a lot of what I feel today:

“If he must dabble in science, keep him on economics and sociology;
don’t let him get away from that invaluable ‘real life’.
But the best of all is to let him read no science
but to give him a grand general idea that he knows it all
and that everything he happens to have picked up in casual talk
and reading is ‘the results of modern investigation’.

Here’s what I am thinking about…today…

We often reject spiritual things and understanding God and His Word because we let these other observations tell us how wrong we are….

I can only say, We Don’t Know Nothing Yet… (Catch the double negative?)

We cannot know it all, nor should we stop from trying to learn every day. But, there will always be holes in our understanding because we cannot now it all.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!