When I GrowGrow through the Cracks of Life

(I’m not a poet, but I see lines of words that flow.
Some call it dyslectic writing. I simply call it prose.)

As I grow and age, there’s something I’ve learned
I guess I’ve always known but realized it again
Yesterday’s life is lived; we would like to forget
But there are still lessons to learn from the past

We’ve called them after-action reports.
To analyze the good and the bad
No assignment of blame; we are in this together,
Let’s keep learning from the past

So, I love to read books and re-read them, I’m sure
Why? My forgetter often disremembers
Whether I’ve read it before or not
And so, I pick it up, and it feels brand new!

Familiar patterns of words comfort me.
Even though I’m sure, it’s new, right?
My promise to myself is essential to me
Every experience of reading is new

My focus is to learn something new
For me, that’s the vital key
What I read today comes to a life
That has more experience and time

What I am today is not what I was back then
I grow with each re-reading because I’m certain
There’s something new from a familiar voice
And from that, I grow today. And tomorrow.

I am reading my Bible over and again.
It is something I’m prone to do
The pages unravel like a mystery
And I’m that detective looking for clues

Or perhaps there’s a love story.
And, of course, that means there’s heart
Something you and I need
To be more like Christ

History, mystery, crime, and passion
It’s surprising the stories never get old.
Every time I find something old,
It feels like something new.

I asked the Lord, back when I was just 16
Give me a love for the Word
Its words are Spirit and Truth, yes, God’s love
From there, I grow from nothing to something

Sharing not with just Words that answer
But a life that shows what and how I’ve learned
Spreading Good News everywhere I live
We are like a story that gets better with time

If I find a crack in my persona, a chink in my armor,
A gap with a missing foundation or severe damage
To find a solution, a repair, a cure,
I can search the libraries of the world

But in God’s great library reference collection,
From Genesis and on, these stories paint a picture
Of others like me, looking and searching for God
I learn how to repair, fix, patch, and grow from them.

Life is complex and more complicated each day
We look for examples of how we can make it better
A local storyline, Erics Heroes, gives us hope
Yes, There’s Hope! Peace! Love! Joy!

The stories we read unveil a world far different than today
But humanity is constantly a repeat of yesteryear
If we could but stop and investigate God’s Word
I grow, you grow, we grow, and that’s why I read and re-read

When I Grow: If we could but stop and investigate God's WordI grow, you grow, we grow, and that's why I read and re-read Click To Tweet

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!