
In some ways, I’ve lived with the power of technology empowering my life. My first home computer was a Gateway 486/66 DX2. Circa 1989. For a few days, it was the most powerful PC on the face of the earth. $2,000.00 was well spent! My current computer was half that price and 100 times more significant and powerful!

However, before those days of dialing into AOL with a shared or designated phone number, I used a pocket calculator memory bank. It’s still here in my drawers of junk, uh, unused technology marvels! Circa 1979. I remember when the pocket calculator was the “thing” and its astronomical costs. But on college campuses and in downtown offices, you could see these electronic marvels worn in belt holsters all over the place!

Now the power of technology rests in my shirt pocket (smartphone) and around my wrist – yes, I’m currently wearing a watch for the first time in 30+ years.

But none of these things are impressive if you never use them.
It takes action on your part to make them shine!

For example, my watch keeps up with a fitness ring that helps me keep moving. It tracks my steps, the number of staircases I climb, how many times I stand up, and a host of other metrics if I am of a mind to pay attention to them (heartbeats, pulse, and other such measurements.) I can even receive and place calls from my Dick Tracy marvel with the proper connection!

Get Up And Move!

I woke this morning thinking about all my actions from yesterday. Up and down the stairs, after cutting up and rolling up the old carpet in a room, we are in the process of remodeling. My body doesn’t work with the stamina it once had – too many incidents keep me moving slowly.

But I took action! And I had help!

Now, the room is ready for the next stage of dress-up. In other words, before I can get to the end image of what we’ve planned, I’ve got to get up and do the work today to enjoy the future tomorrow.

Ask yourself – is what I’m doing today
getting me closer to where I want to be tomorrow.

Walt Disney, and many other innovators, knew the secret was to move from the talking and planning phase and get involved with doing what you know to do! I’m guilty of having “analysis paralysis.” For me, pure joy is found in thinking and planning. I get satisfaction from making a solid plan. But if it’s something I’m not willing to do, then the analysis is a waste of time.

Plan For Action

Long before a director yells, “Action!” every person, line, and scene planning went through a planning process. Rehearsals. Across a desk, around a table, standing onsite, or even redoing what was not done right the previous time. Practice and plan!

Before competing in a race, you make plans and train for the big event! Everyone knows this! Every sport understands you need practice, trial and error periods, and planning to improve to win in that critical meet.

Before I lead, I plan my growth of leadership skills because nothing happens by accident. You learn from youth how to grow from small challenges before you face the really big ones. Leaders do not produce followers alone. No, their most significant accomplishment is creating more leaders. (John Maxwell)

Tools collected in a garage do no good if you don’t know how to use them. You may be a collector of tools, but are you a mechanic if you never get your hands greasy and use the tools! Even David knew this when facing Goliath. He could not use the King’s armor – he had not proved them. (1 Samuel 17:38-39)

The Power of Action: Tools collected in a garage do no good if you don't know how to use them. You may be a collector of tools, but are you a mechanic if you never get your hands greasy and use the tools! Even David knew this when… Click To Tweet

If I am a child of God, then I know to get my heart and life ready for His call and the responsibility He has placed in me! If I execute my life correctly, then my talents are not wasted. They are invested and utilized to gain more talents. (Matthew 25:14-30)

Throughout scripture, we find where plans were important, but follow-through is necessary. Else we are just planners and not doers. (James 1:22)

The writer of Hebrews adds depth to all we do:

Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses,
let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us,
and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith,
who for the joy that was set before Him
endured the cross, despising the shame,
and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:1-2 NKJV

Remember. All we can be requires us to get up and do what we are called to do. Undistracted and unencumbered with the weight of the world that will not make us “doers.”

We can spend all our time planning,
but if we are not executing,
then we are just killing trees
and wasting time.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!