Fast or Slow - BandageFast or Slow - Bandage

In my world I probably know of no one who has not experienced a bandage of some sort. From the package of bandaids you pick up at the store and struggle to find them when you need them, or something done by medical personnel. When it comes time to remove them, is there any good way? Do you do it fast? Or slow? It depends. Is it a major bandage or something little from the medicine cabinet?

Since I’ve experienced both styles of bandages, I can tell you, at least for me, going fast is the preferred way. It’s quick and whatever stresses you feel from the separation of bandage from skin, it’s quickly felt. Quickly over.

This is not the way we analyze the passing of someone. Do we want them to go slowly? Or quickly? It depends. Are we ready for them to go? Probably not. Do we want them to suffer? No way! Who will suffer the most with their quick passing? All of us who were not ready for the sudden pain, left dealing with the tragic circumstances, and not getting to say goodbye successfully.

Well. Not to be selfish, I would just as soon that none of us feel what I’ve felt this week, or have to deal with the wounds after the special life is yanked away too quickly.

No Choice In The Matter

I was needing a bandage removed (more than once!), and the doctor distracted my attention, all the while preparing to yank it suddenly away from the wound. His experience with wounds, bandages and patients gave him history with how patients would react, was the wound repaired enough to withstand the action, and what to do with the aftermath.

This is the way of death. Whether it’s a slow passing, or not, when its time, it’s time. I have no choice in the matter. Are there miracle prayers we could pour out to God for a reprieve? Sure. Do they work? Definitely! Every time? No.

Only God knows the Why.

Maybe there was a wound that had finally healed, or even a wound that He would not heal. Could it simply be the timing was in God’s control? Or, do deaths simply happen and we are not in control of the speed with which it happens.

Here’s My Thought Today

I’ve agonized through the passing of my sister. It was a blessing for our family to gather a few weeks ago and all of us get to enjoy hanging out for an evening. It was not enough time for us to make sure we were each okay with the other, nor could we have known what would have happened this week and how we would deal with it.

At the same time, a young friend of our family was going through struggles of another kind and the doctors had no clue what was happening. Desperate measures. Lost hope. Gone way too soon.

My sister passed Monday. He began his journey through the medical hallways and passed Friday. Circumstances did not make one any easier than the other. Suffering is quickly removed with the last breath, or it drags out as emergency measures are taken to extend life.

I have no answers. But I do know my God. From His word and through my experiences, I know that there are times the bandage is pulled from the wound of life quickly, sometimes slowly.

I have no answers. But I do know my God. From His word and through my experiences, I know that there are times the bandage is pulled from the wound of life quickly, sometimes slowly. Click To Tweet

In the middle of it all, I must remain faithful and trusting. Do I have questions? Many. Do I have answers? Not a single one.

In the middle of tragedy.

In the middle of tragedy my faith is tested. How I personally respond to the tragedy is important, but how I show my faith in God to those who struggle with their faith is even more important.

Do you know how to be strong in the middle of your trial? Horatio Spafford penned these words, and they speak volumes to me often. Especially this week.

It Is Well

When peace, like a river, 
attendeth my way, 
When sorrows like sea billows roll; 
Whatever my lot, 
Thou hast taught me to say, 
“It is well, it is well with my soul”

Chorus: It is well (it is well) 
with my soul (with my soul) 
It is well, it is well with my soul

Though Satan should buffet, 
though trials should come, 
Let this blessed assurance control, 
That Christ has regarded 
my helpless estate, 
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.

My sin, oh the bliss 
of this glorious thought! 
My sin, not in part but the whole, 
Is nailed to the cross, 
and I bear it no more, 
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!

And Lord haste the day 
when the faith shall be sight, 
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll; 
The trump shall resound, 
and the Lord shall descend, 
Even so, it is well with my soul.

What’s so special about his writing of these words? They came in the middle of tragic circumstances when Life had thrown repeated challenges in his face. (Read Here) Instead of wallowing in pity and and angst, he was inspired to write these word after the heaviest tragedies of life, and preparing to face new challenges ahead.

Personal Examples

We all say things like, “God is in control” or “who knew”, but we should really be standing on the foundation and example from this song. “It is well”.

From olden times till now, we’ve struggled with the unknown.

What if we simply affirmed our faith in God and trusted him when when our understanding is weak, and our faith is tested?

My grandmother, Audrey Simmons, used to say to us, all the time, “I do well.” No matter what came her way, she would say these words. When facing the death of her husband, or her struggles with health in those last few months, I still hear her voice in my spirit.

I do Well.

How about you? Is it well with your soul? What would you be like if suddenly the rug is pulled from under your feet? How would you react?

Next to death on the cross, Jesus prayed, “Father lay not this sin to their charge.” This proves to me that in tragic circumstances we can be better than the situation.

I have proof!

One Last Thought

From a book I’ve been reading these past few weeks, the story wraps partly around Lazarus in the grave when Jesus finally shows up to grieve. He weeps. “Master, if only you hand been here…” Martha, do you believe. “Yes, Lord!”

Lazarus! Come forth!

Suddenly, the stone is rolled away, and out of that closed chamber that represents the ending of our lives, Lazarus is called back from wherever he was. Paradise? Heaven? Purgatory? Or simply unaware of what was happening in either world. Regardless, he suddenly finds himself wrapped in the trappings of death. A voice has called him back to life. He struggles to stand, wound tightly with the spices used traditionally. Suddenly, a voice calls out, “Loose Him!”

On the other side of the vail, can we not simply trust that the voice Lazarus heard is the same voice we will hear? From our final resting place, that voice will call out the same words to us! Come out!

My Thoughts This Week

You don’t have to remain lost.  I found my sister in my memories at 39,000 feet.

When trouble is in my way
I can’t tell my night from day
That I’m tossed from side to side
Like a ship out on a ragin’ tide
I don’t worry, I don’t fret
My God has never failed me yet
Troubles come from time to time
But that’s alright I’m not the worryin’ kind
I’ve got confidence!

Operating on more cylinders than I own. When life throws everything, prioritize, offload, plow forward. 
No matter what, now is not the time to quit!
When stranded between two shores, keep planted where you are safest, but pray for those needs over there. Can’t do everything!

Life’s Debris Field – You can either join others in their pigpen, or you can be better than the situation. Be the Blessing! Let those blessing flow over the debris field of life. #Thimk #Perception #Algorithm #Debris

‪Sitting at Starbucks counter, enjoying a Nitro Cold Brew black coffee. I glance at the barista’s doing mindless work to satisfy the demands of the patrons. ‬‪
Isn’t this what life is often about? ‬
‪Simply doing what needs to be done for others.‬
‪Don’t forget to care for yourself.‬

‪We often say when it rains, it pours; tragedies come in threes; and other such bewitching sayings.
‬‪I’d rather think about Gods blessings being for a thousand generations!‬
‪Let’s quit speaking negatively and start living positively. Resist and push all negatives far far away!‬

My sister touched so many. We will never know the breadth of our love.

We don’t understand Death… Clinically? Sure. But there’s more to death than we can comprehend.

‪When the noise of life overwhelms you it is easier to tune all of it out. But remember that those important whispers can be easily drowned out. ‬‪Don’t let it happen! Stay tuned for what’s most important! ‬

My brother, Ken Gurley, teaches a morning devotion every work day of the week and I am blessed by his words. Especially this morning. You are welcome to join him or to listen later in your day or week. Thank you Ken Gurley.

Life happens way too suddenly.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!