Here. Gone. So hard to believe. I’ve experienced loss a time or two, but not so close to home. You meant to call, and you’re used to knowing where they are, but just like that. Snap. Gone. No more conversations, shared memories to laugh our way through to just plain silly. No more cajoling. No more “love you bro’”, birthday cards, or me picking because she was just plain organized. No more comparisons or long chats. No more long calls at opportune times, and not. What now?

Gone. There. Just like that. I’ll welcome Hunter to the world for you. Stand in for your kids as much as they need. I’ll be there for all your grands. You are going to miss so much! I will miss more than I can even comprehend.

There. Now. What is it like? Someday. No more tears, sorrow or pain.

Goodbye. Love you sis!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!

19 thoughts on “Life Happens Suddenly”
  1. Just got the news from our friend, Louis Allen. So sorry to hear, so dreadful the impact on those left to grieve. My prayers are with the family.

  2. Although I believe we’ll rejoin her “VERY” soon, my heart is totally crushed, still in disbelief…
    How fortunate all who knew her, she was a gift in every life she met…
    Praying for you all Mike, so very sorry, I grieve with you all…

  3. I’m so very sorry for you loss.
    Prayers are being said for you and all the family and friends.
    God Be With Each Of You.

  4. Prayers for all the families to experience God’s arms holding you close. So sad for this grievous loss. Love to the family. Don and Beth Trumps

  5. Praying for you and all of the family!!! Sorry for your loss !! ( I know more about you thru Morning Prayer )I really enjoy Morning Prayer !!

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