We don’t understand death. Well. I don’t, even though I’ve dealt with it a lot.

Think about it. One moment you’re here, and the next moment you’re not. Clinically, we understand what has happened, but what about the “essence” of the person we knew? The body, although we identify with it so strongly, is simply the shell that holds who you were.

Who we are is so much more than our body!

Who We Are

Who are we? Our personality, attitude, wishes, hopes, dreams, mind and spirit. When the body is gone, the “who we are” remains in a wispy sort of understanding. The knowledge that resided in our brains? Sadly, gone. We don’t have the ability to unload our memories, or knowledge, or those quantum leaps to the unknowable.

We recall the essence of the person (the picture is me and Teresa in Dutch Harbor, Alaska, about 4 years ago on her birthday), and with time even those memories fade. But the spirit of the person, the breathed presence of God that brought Adam to life? If from His breath we get the Word, He said His word will not return to him void. (Isaiah 55:11)

We are left to grasp at what death means, but like sand spilling through our fingers, we can never quite put into words or capture an intelligible thought that will explain.

Our comprehension is so limited.

Here’s My Thought Today

I’m strangely at peace with my sister dying as the result of a tragic auto accident. The body that we called “Teresa” does not contain who she is. I guarantee it!

How do we put ourselves into the equation? How do we understand life or death?

I hold on to God’s Word to put it into a semblance of order. His thoughts are higher than mine. His ways cannot even be understood. (Isaiah 55:8-9) But there is peace we can find within His declaration to us.

“I know the plans that I have for you…”
(Jeremiah 29:11, GW)

He knows what’s in store for me! What? Why? How? Again, we don’t understand!

He sets my life in motion and plans each step. My steps are ordered by God! (Psalms 37:23). He promises to never leave, nor forsake, me. (Hebrews 13:5). He promotes Peace in my life! (John 14:27) He came to deliver, and save the world, of which I am a part of. (John 12:47) And where He is, I can be there also. (John 14:3) Someday. When? It’s not for me to know… But He knows!

So. Maybe death cannot be understood in such a way to write or speak it clearly, as for me, I will trust the Word for the things I do not need to know.

It’s All About Trust

Trust. A powerful concept. Like a child learns to trust a parent to protect and care for them, I too am trusting in Christ.

Through our times of grief and sorrow… it’s great to have family, friends, and even complete strangers around to help us through times like these. Hundreds have reached out to all of us while we have a hard time comprehending what’s happened. But sharing the load with many help us to hold us up through these extremely tough times.

There are no answers, only the sweet words of comfort from every person that has reached out to us, and by those untold thousands who have prayed.

So. Where my understanding ends, my trust must step out on faith, hope and love.

Lord. I trust you!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!

3 thoughts on “We Don’t Understand Death”
  1. Truly a gifted writer, and man of God, putting forth His infallible word.
    May His peace that surpasses all understanding continue to surround the Gurley family, now and thru the future, till our God calls us to Himself…

  2. I prayed for you Bro. Gurley. I know all too well what it feels to lose someone you love so very much! In Sept 2015, my Dad turned 76 years old. I called to wish him a Happy Birthday and asked him how he was. He said he was having stomach issues. In Oct he went in for testing, by Veterans Day the following month, I receive a call from my sister who says if you want to see dad you need to come soon (my dad retired from the Navy and he & my mom moved to the Philippines in 1999). Five days later I take a flight from Philadelphia to San Francisco to meet my twin sister & we fly to the Philippines. When we arrive, my Dad is weak and he could hardly eat. He has an aggressive form of stomach cancer that has spread to his liver & lungs. We stay there for 2 weeks. Two weeks after we arrive back home to the US, 9 days before Christmas
    my sweet , loving Dad passes away. He was the one who kept our family together. I didn’t realize it then, but I was depressed for 2 years. In 2 years I only went out with my husband and family, with the exception of 2 occassions with 2 friends. I began to isolate myself from people and became co-dependent on my husband. I hardly drove anywhere without him & I didn’t go anywhere alone. I was so lost, but during that time I listened to a lot of preaching, prayed a lot and spent a lot of time in the Word. I was so sad though. God has healed my brokenness and am now getting back to living life, but I didn’t know how to handle my pain. I would sit alone in my room and just cry…God was so good to me though, I truly felt His love even with what I went through. Even with my sadness & depression He wrapped His loving arms around me and I really felt it! I pray God continues to comfort you and your family! Jesus bless you!

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