Short ThoughtsShort Thoughts

If anything, my mind doesn’t work on short trails. At least, my mind isn’t necessarily operating on all cylinders all the time for a short statement to take meaning! Meandering through my thinking process is sort of like a cross country trip. Slow. Fast. Speed up. Whoa! Nelly! Slow’er down! Look! There’s a monument! Flip from this thought (road), and then come back to the established trail, and then wonder what’s on the other side of the mountain…and then go there.

Side trips. Diversions. Thinking it through… (Thimk – Click to read!)

On a long driving trip last year, we saw a sign that said Winslow, Arizona… Oh. Glenn Frey. Eagles. Flatbed Ford… See how my thoughts started running? So. We pulled over and spent a couple of hours on an important Eagles weekend celebration in Winslow. Arizona.

This morning I woke thinking about short thoughts. Those one-liners from Proverbs, or TF Tenney, or some quote website where you can find wonderful thoughts from someone in your past. Or even from some pseudonym of an author!

Oh, the things you can find, if you don’t stay behind.
~Dr. Seuss [Source]

In fact, I think I will start my own “quote site” of one-liners that are important to me and will help me enjoy having Short Thoughts! Wait… There are probably too many websites I want to start…and I don’t want anything to preempt what I’m doing that most important… Hmmm. Something to think about.

Of course, in my world, short becomes awfully long. Just look at my first blog site and see my “tag line”, theme, focus, or whatever you want to call it. I’ve been writing like this for nearly 10 years!

Everything begins with a very simple thought
and grows into a magnificent premise,
and returns to a very simple thought…

Someone told me I was a Renaissance Man. Essentially someone with varied and wide-ranging interests, talents and thoughts. Perhaps. But it is amazing what I find interesting enough to stop for a while and visit, or that rabbit trail of a thought I will pursue, and it’s something I like to take from beginning to end.

It’s just the way my mind works, and I cultivate this process.

Let us not forget that the cultivation of the earth is the most important labor of man.
When tillage begins, other arts will follow.
The farmers, therefore, are the founders of civilization.
~Daniel Webster [Source]

You can cultivate your mind to be what it needs to be. For the moment, day, or life. It's in your hands. What will you do with it? Click To Tweet

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!