We’ve all had the problem. Our minds are going 100 mph and our thoughts take paths split into conscious and subconscious veins, often pulling our ability to be successful from what’s most important thing on our plate. We lose our central focus.

Some will call it daydreaming.

Others will suggest it’s simply the way our minds work the best, you know, by letting the subconscious operate in the background while we try to do something else important.

More importantly, you say? You know how to do it, right? Drive your car in heavy traffic going 70 mph while trying to find that playlist, and holding a conversation and wondering if the coffee is still hot…did my phone just buzz? Which exit was that?

While driving in Scotland, from the wrong side of the car, on the wrong side of the road, and with a GPS unit spitting out instructions, I learned this was no time to be distracted! Especially when the voice said (We called her Maggie because it was a Magellan…), “Take the eighth exit from the roundabout…“! The Roundabout was about a mile in length and we had to COUNT the number of available turns before exiting! I’m not sure we would have been successful had we not been paying attention! With FOCUS!

My mind is seemingly operating on multiple planes, various rabbit trails, and holding different conversations with folks in the background while trying to resolve the problems of the world, all the while trying to make a peanut butter sandwich, talk to our bird, answer the phone and wondering if there is enough milk in the fridge, while wondering who would be calling me now!

This may be why many of us are successful, or not. It depends on the load you carry, the paths you walk, the way your mind works and is it something you are gifted to handle or should you turn it over to someone else.

When your mind follows multiple tracks (almost simultaneously), any one of them can split your attention down a rabbit trail that might not be where you needed to spend your time. Rein in those #distractions. Control your #Focus. #Thimk Click To Tweet

In other words, bring your focus to bear and get accomplished those things that are the most important, and put all those other things on the back burner for a future spot on your calendar!

The Apostle Paul, nearly 2,000 years ago, said it like this – “…bring every thought into captivity...” (2 Corinthians 10:5). You know what this tells me? This has been a long time problem for many of us. He was dealing with the distractions life as it appends to our Gospel Life, but the thought is very sane. We must capture our mind to be successful!

Our mind needs to be trained to focus!

When an inerrant thought creeps into your awareness and tries to drag you astray, rein it in, jot it down for the future, and get back on task!

In the words of the Red Green Show, “Remember, I’m pulling for you. We’re all in this together.


By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!

One thought on “Whoa, Horsey!”
  1. I’m happy to say I can think nothing while doing nothing! Should I worry😀?
    Enjoyed your visit and glad you made it safely home.
    Luv U

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