More recently I have been considering the examples we represent.

Our faithfulness. Friendliness. Consistency. Strength. Love. Beliefs.

Just the other day I heard (or read) that every one of us are products of our background more than we are examples of our foreground. Long before we become single adults facing life, we were formed with a core belief system that comes from our surroundings. Think about it, you are a product of your parents, their examples, and the surroundings of your birth. And you had no choice in the matter!

When you break out and head for your new pathway, whatever that is, most of the time you have to break with the past. Partially. Or completely. It is sometimes a painful process. A long time ago I was introduced to my belief system, I’ve accepted this as my normal life, and have continued in my way. Happy. Blissfully. Not worrying about what others believe or do. This has become “my way” (in the voice of Frank Sinatra).

The Apostle Paul writes to his Philippians to be followers together with him and to walk according to his example. (Philippians 3:17) Among the readers are enemies of Christ, and walking with them probably diminishes the pattern that Paul exampled, so they needed to have an example to follow…and all they had was him!

Think about it. He’s writing from some distance and not in their presence! They needed an example! In essence, Paul is setting the pattern of life, and they are to match up their walk to that pattern. Those that do not follow the pattern are probably representatives of wolves in sheep clothing. (Matthew 7:15)

This got me to thinking about patterns. Not just sewing patterns, but if you’ve been around a seamstress then you understand what I’m talking about. Not one cut, pinning, or stitch is sown without first finding and following a pattern!

In every arena of manufacturing, before anything can be duplicated, there is a master pattern to follow. From a master recording in the music industry, copies are made so that duplicates can be created into CD’s that you and I might purchase.  The master is often protected by distance, security and time. It is kept out of the hands of the one responsible to make the duplication so as to not alter the original. From something as simple as a plastic part that you find in your everyday life to something as intricate as an engine block, everything is a duplicate of a master “form” that you will never handle in your normal life.

Back in the day of building Radio Controlled Airplanes, I would buy a kit that had the instructions and the balsa wood. I would lay out the instructions and could cut the wood in concordance to the pattern found on the paper. If I covered the pattern with wax paper, then I could build the plane on the wax paper with the original instructions underneath, protected from the glue, ensuring that I build exactly to the pattern!

In a multitude of scripture, Jesus gives us examples of how to lead our lives.

In one occurrence He instructs the disciples that He has given them an example of service to others (John 13:15) and they should do as He has done. Paul is not one of these early disciples, but all that he is taught is by revelation from Christ (Galatians 1:12). He is examined several times by the “church” and they even rejoice in his life because he is no longer a persecutor of the church. (Galatians 1:22-24) He is sent by the church, along with Barnabas, as a chosen representative of the church. (Acts 15:22) The mark that Paul is an example to be followed is by the cut of the fabric of his life and how it duplicates the original. In fact, he even tells Corinth to be followers of him as he is a follower of Christ. (1 Corinthians 11:1) He even instructs Timothy to be an example (pattern) of the believers to those that do not believe. (1 Timothy 4:12) Arguably, Timothy is an adept follower. Paul tells the Philippians that he will send Timothy to them because he is like-minded with Paul’s mind. (Philippians 2:19-23)

From an Original, duplicates are made, and from the duplicates of the original, additional copies are created that are in the form of the Original, but often directly from the Duplicate.

One flaw found in an original master will be replicated to all copies. A duplicate of a copy will only magnify the flaw. A flawed duplicate must not be used! Click To Tweet

So, along with an exercise at school, this got me to thinking about Jesus as that ultimate example that we are to pattern our lives after. Since I am removed from His physical form by time and distance, I look to the Word to give me examples and patterns of life. Away from the Word, I look for others around me that are cut from the same fabric as He is, and those are the ones I am to follow. From those within my family to other Christians that surround me, and even to those that are my leaders, I find plenty of examples that show me how to live.

Take a moment and look to the famous prayer of Jesus. His closest disciples have just had their Last Supper with him (John 13). He teaches them for several chapters (John 14-16) and then goes with them to the Garden of Gethsemane for prayer. Here, we find Him in prayer for His disciples. (John 17:6-26) No other Gospel describes his words as does John, the beloved.

These very men will undergo the ultimate test of discipleship in John 18!

Obviously, they have heard his prayer because John is able to record it. They hear the words He speaks. Maybe they do not fully comprehend the depth of these words, but they understand He is praying for them.

Praying for them. How many times have they listened to Jesus pray? He prays for others (Lazarus, the sick, the dead, the messed up lives). Now He is praying for them. How many times have we prayed for others as Jesus prayed for them? We have prayed within our own spirit. We have prayed with a loud voice. Others have heard us. What are we praying for? How are we praying? What are we saying?

In John 17, Jesus begins a prayer of intercession for his followers. He intercedes for them, for their relationship with God and each other, for their ability to withstand the hatred and evil of the world, for their understanding of the truth. He prays for their unity and their comprehension of truth. He prays for their joy and perfection.

In fact, this example of prayer is a great pattern for us to follow as we begin to pray for someone or for something that we need God to intercede on in our behalf. Through my class exercise I set up these next few lines as a pattern from the original prayer of Jesus that I could use to pray for others.

  1. God, (manifest) make known Your Name to ________. (Insert name)
  2. You gave me words to use and I give these words to __________.
  3. I pray for ________, keep _________ (him/her/it) through the power and knowledge of Your Name.
  4. I pray that ________ will be “one” with your name.
  5. You are the Joy of my salvation, extend my joy and fulfill it into __________.
  6. Keep ________ from evil while you keep ___________  in this world. _________ is a part of this world right now but God you have given _________ your spirit and __________ is like the prodigal that the Father is looking for every day.
  7. Set __________ apart from this world through Your Truth.
  8. Those that ________ touches through life, I pray that they will see through _________ perspective and perceive _________ background because _________ has been touched by Your Spirit and Word.
  9. As your Glory is my glory, I pray that my glory will extend to ________ so that ________ may be One with you and be perfect.
  10. I pray that ________ be with me and you as I am with you.
  11. I have and will continue to declare your name to __________ for Love’s Sake.

Take a few moments to print this pattern. Fill in the blanks for someone you are heavy in spirit about. Pray a prayer of intercession for them.

Be the example that you will hope they will follow themselves someday. Some prayers are better done in that Secret Place, but to be that great example for others, and future generations, be sure and pray around others to give good solid examples of being someone to follow during their future.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!