Home Coffee BarMy Contented Space

There are many places I prefer to be,
Equally, many more I never enjoy,
I can name a few on either side of the coin,
Were I to choose, then consistently,
It’s where I’m working alone.

To be alone with myself and no others,
With my book, a work-bench, a computer,
An open road with no time constraints,
My tractor and a field of need.
In a state of being alongside a state of preference,
Wherever just let me have my fairly new coffee stand.

Contentment. Self-satisfaction.
A place where you are satisfied.
A simple life? A good book?
A quiet evening around the fire?

A good cup of coffee
Dark roasted beans of choice
Thick crema on the top
And that unfettered drink below.

Between describing who we are
And where we are headed,
Paul said that godliness with contentment
Was Great Gain (1 Timothy 6:4).

“Godliness” relates to “holiness” and in the NT
It’s used only by Paul and Peter.
Contentment is used only twice,
And then, only by Paul.

Whittle it down, narrow the focus,
Contentment is found in a narrow band.

Perhaps it’s that idea that we waste much effort
Involving ourselves in things that don’t matter,
But if I can find something that hurts no one
And brings me a contented space or time,
Then why not enjoy a respite of contentment?

A Contented Space: Whittle it down and narrow the focus; contentment is found in a narrow band. Know who you are and where you are contented. There. You know yourself. Click To Tweet

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By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!