Someone is always good at spotting trends. Between the end of this year and the start of the next year, you got it: someone is predicting a turnover for many things we’ve taken for granted.

AI (artificial intelligence) will be the biggest game changer. It will affect many industries in ways we’ve not even thought of.

Attention spans are getting shorter.

People want to engage with social posts from influencers.

Reels, shorts, and other video trends are gaining ground. I know someone who cannot enjoy a regular video…it’s not quick enough!

Book Publishing is being turned on its ear due to the trends already mentioned, but I know I can write a book with the skills of artificial intelligence. If I do so, is it “mine?”

Tax more, and people seem happier giving away their hard-earned money to help others, and too many sit on the sidelines waiting for it to roll downhill to their wallet… Wait. We’ve been doing that for hundreds of years, only now, the amount of money equals more than we’ve ever experienced.

Penny candy now costs over 100 pennies.

I’m drinking less soda than ever and happy about it!

I remember paying 11 cents for a gallon of gas during a pricing war between two gas stations. Today? 11 cents won’t even buy you a vapor of gas. It keeps getting more expensive.

Anyway. Trends will come and go, but the aftermath is like those Pet Rocks of decades ago. They are now graveyard stones trying to hide that they were once important.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!