Long before we were captivated by moving images on a screen, we heard and read words. Our minds painted mental pictures from the words, and when we were better enlightened by the story, we changed the image in our minds.

For a while, we have been captivated by technology.

Herein is the problem.

Nothing works better to stir my imagination than the words I process. When I watch what someone else presents, though talented they may be, I still depend on “me” and not you to paint the final picture.

You can try to make an image of heaven, hell, demons, or a witch cauldron, but what I conjure up inside is more powerful than what a film produces.

That’s the power of words.

Someone I know can be frightened by a sudden surprise on the screen even though it’s been watched 100 times. Me? Maybe the first time… Once, shame on you…twice, shame on me.

Maybe that’s why I can read the same story over and over. My mind gets a workout! Each time, it gets richer. That’s when it becomes easier to tell others. My mental image can recite the words to show others.

Our pallet of colors grows with time and imagination. Don’t expect instant results. Read again and again. Take ownership of what you feed your mind.

There’s growth taking place!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!