Drawing of a hot micSomething to Share

Last night was a restless night
It’s always like this when I feel on edge
Something woke me up early,
Something must be done before the day quits.

One thing I’ve learned about me, us, you, them…
We all struggle with knowing when
To share, not share, keep quiet, or speak out.
But when you feel an urge from God?

I still hesitate. Is it just me, or did I feel an unction?
A spiritual push to enter deep waters? Or into the fray?
For me, a pause is that welcome spot of hesitation
Determine if it’s real or not. Timely? Appropriate?

It’s like giving bad news. How do you do it best?
When? Where? What words work better?
Then I break the surface tension, almost like baiting a hook.
Can I introduce my words? Will the fish bite?

“Give it to me straight, doctor! I can take it!”
That’s the way I like it—no beating about the bush.
No hesitation or breaking the news gently.
Just Say It. Do It. I can feel the news coming.

But then, I hesitate. Do I want the bad news?
No. Not really. Am I better off living in a fantasy world?
Where the news report no longer leaves a bad taste,
And the culture of our world is a kinder place.

No. The truth. It’s pretty stinking bad out there.
But hasn’t that always been the case?
Was there ever a glow of peace in any previous century?
Or have we always struggled with a better world?

Making the best of it is not what I’m all about.
I want to be the best I can be. Sometimes that’s hard.
There’s no magic wand, or legislation to soothe
The world’s disingenuous way of being bad.

We see the world “as we are…”
And that’s the best it will ever be.
But I can be and do better each day
In some little way, let me be a difference maker.

So. Something to say. Share. Speak up. Speak out.
Be kind about the words, don’t be a jerk.
Remember, the audience around you has feelings.
Each one is uniquely them. Special.

Not everyone needs a thundering prophet or doomsayer.
Some need a voice that speaks in the style others need to hear.
A weeping prophet comes to mind. Jeremiah!
A soft voice that will turn away wrath. Right, Solomon?

A soft answer turns away wrath,
But a harsh word stirs up anger.
The tongue of the wise uses knowledge rightly,
But the mouth of fools pours forth foolishness.
(Proverbs 15:1-2 NKJV)

What do I want to say? You know the words.
But you may not understand the climate.
Treat others as you want to be treated,
Especially when they are no different than you.

Have principles that treat your fellow person
better than they have any right of being treated.
A kinder and gentler you can be the difference needed.
Lower your tone, and drop the rhetoric.
Take control of your mouth. How?
Listen better. Speak less.

Maybe some sensitivity training is needed.
Let’s break bonds with that which
Make us worse than we have any right to be.

Be the Difference Maker.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!