What Do I Do NowNow What?

We’ve always looked to Saturday
Or, at least, most of us who had regular jobs
Work days are past, and the Holy Day is next
We’ve made it to our only day off…

Now What?

For those of us with no family to spend the day with
Or, the tasks list is replete with needs that cannot wait
We do what comes naturally normal
Pick up our tools and work. Shovel. Hammer. Broom.

I carve out morning routine time
Read, catch-up, devotion, prayer…you know
In a house drop dead quiet. Ignore the dogs outside.
They are just letting you know their needs.

Before all is said and done, I’ll have spent hours
Doing things to get ready for tomorrow
And next week, with a schedule that seems
To have no time to set aside and pause. Just stop.

Now What?

Do I need to identify my tasks
For you to know I’m too stinking busy?
No. But on my plate, there is a feeling of abundance.
It runneth over – (when we talk about cups, we’re rich!)

Running Lists include family, church, finances, taxes,
Fencing, Barn, Tractor, finish office, declutter, dump run,
Resell and recycle, Mow, Septic, Water lines, VIP, Doctor,
Memorials, Make about 100 calls, and somewhere? Vacation.

Each task is replete with subtasks that take time and money.
When you have no help, then you can feel overwhelmed.
There’s no one to designate a task to finish
And you certainly don’t want to make a costly mistake.

Now what?

Be thankful. Grateful. Think yourself happy. (Acts 26:2)
Contentment is a Godly gain. (1 Timothy 6:6-8)
Bear much fruit. (Galatians 5:22-23)
Challenge yourself to think better, do better, and be better.

That’s how I handle all the “Now What’s.”

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!