Desperate looking man holding a piece of luggageWhat's Important?

I saw an old WWII film clip the other day…

Prisoner Death March

A group of people had to scramble for what they considered important enough to take on a journey. Though they were allowed to take a few things with them. They had no idea if they would ever make it back to their home or what the new world was like.

As they picked through their belongings, they agonized over the treasures they could not carry on their back. Only the most important things could go.

Everything else… Lost. Gone. Forever.

What do you consider important enough that you will make room on your back and in your pack to carry into tomorrow?

What have you collected that you think is important, though you would not dream of carrying it on a survival march? Collectibles. Memories. Your goldfish…

Yesterday, I thought about the things we think are worth fighting for, and will we fight for them?

Today, I think about leaving with nothing more than what I can carry…

After all, I live close to a dormant volcano (Mt Rainier)
and just north of Mt St Helens (blew her top in 05/18/1980).

That was the year we moved to Alaska,
and we dealt with all the cleanup and messy roads as we drove up I-5 to Seattle.

Earthquakes in this Pacific Rim area are normal, and we’ve lived through several of them. We are instructed to keep a “ready kit” in case of the unexpected. There are advertisements, news reports, and information available on keeping your kit ready at all times.

What do you do when … Your electronics quit? No more power. No running water. No grocery stores. No gasoline. No ATMs. Quick. Get only what you need to survive! Quickly! What would it be? Where would you go?

I guess it all depends on what the sudden event happens to be…

What you deem important depends upon the situation. Those last few years we lived in Alaska, both of our kids had created new lives in the Lower 48. Suddenly, an earthquake struck close to where I live today in Washington, the Nisqually Quake (Ash Wednesday quake) on February 28, 2001, at 10:48 a.m. My daughter had recently moved to Seattle, and we could not reach her. All phone communications were disrupted. Even though it was winter, I was prepared to drive the 41 hours from Anchorage to Seattle! Airport? It was closed, as I remember it.

Fortunately, all was okay, and we finally reached her later that afternoon!

Still, I was prepared for the drive.

We are normally better prepared when the weather elements require us always to be ready. Alaska and the cold north always required you to be ready!

And my daughter was important enough for us to take such an arduous journey.

What, and who, do you find important enough to do what needs to be done in an emergency? Are you ready?


Today is no different than yesterday.

Not knowing what is to unfold, we always strive to be ready for the next challenge. It could be we are facing more challenges as the times unfold before us, but I also know that the End Times will surprise us all.

What Will You Do?

What will you do when stress arrives
As a locomotive, huffing, and steaming.
Are you ready to depart? Time’s wasting!
You must make up your mind quickly…
What do you take?

I don’t “keep prayed up,”
Rather, I keep praying.
There’s no destination or timing in mind,
It’s just keeping the journey in focus.
Even when decisions must be made quickly.

We’ve moved from Texas to Alaska.
Back to Texas, and then back to Alaska
Now we are in Washington…
20 years in place, this year is our longest spot.

But the Good Lord knows our place
I’m encouraged. He fills my space
With His Love, Focus, and Grace
You never know when that last journey…
Could it be? Home is finally in view.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!