Achievement MissedWhy Did I Miss An Achievement Goal?

Couch potato, sloucher, weakling, and never challenging yourself in life?
No anchor, foundation, or solid rock to build upon?
Don’t you have a goal, an aspiration, or something to work on and improve?
What do you want to be? Don’t waste the time of questioning! Dream!

This is a common question we ask younger people, mostly teens.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
I’ve started branching out, “Where do you want to live?”
Or “How do you like to spend your time?”

It’s amazing, yes, but I seldom get the expected response.
Too often, a shrug of the shoulders. No imagination? Perhaps.
But ask that same person the same question in a year?
Maybe you sparked a thread of thought, so follow up next year.

Catch someone at the right time
With a question never addressed?
You may be the trigger of thought
That helps them think and thimk (see below…).

Lest you think no one has an answer, they do.
It’s just a moment of thought to determine if they trust you!
Will you treat them as sour grapes when their answers surprise you?
Or will you congratulate them for forward-thinking?

Recently asked, a young person shrugged their shoulders.
What I could not get from them, a challenge from another source,
We started them moving toward an answer.
Watch! They’re growing!

Here’s my point!
I may never get the response I seek.
The reason to ask is to plant the seed!
Then watch their answer unfold.

Recently, another young person said they wanted to live in Europe.
Amazing! Far-reaching of space and time to think beyond borders.
It’s not my job to water down their dreams.
Reality will meet them down the road.
But I support their thinking out loud!
They trusted me to give a response!
Hallelujah! Get ’em! I’m behind you!

But ask that question of those later in life,
And you may be blown away by their lack of imagination.
They’ve grown satisfied, and there’s no hunger for growth.
Stagnantly they’ve settled. I’m ok, they say.

Not me! I’m always looking for opportunities!
Every continent or country, let’s visit them all!
My focus would be history! Explore and Research.
Experiences that would be valuable to my interest.

Reality inevitably set is.
Ask me today, and I honestly must assess.
Money, energy, time, and health.
That’s why I wished I had traveled more when younger!

Today it’s in my mind, though I may never achieve it.
Machu Picchu, Kilimanjaro, Serrengetti, Steppes, or Alps.
To float a river, cross the ocean, walk the seashores, or …
Do you get it? It’s not about accomplishing your dreams.
It is about dreaming and doing what’s possible.
But never stop dreaming…What was that trigger of youth?
What do you want to be when you grow up?

Thimk and Do (Click to Read my thought on Thimk!)

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!