Peace on an EKG chartOversaturated, or Full of Peace?

Recently, at least in the past decade, Starbucks came out with a new-fangled cold drink glass and plastic straw. They were difficult to find, and you rejoiced when you scored! Then, the supply chain caught up to the demand, and fake products filled the void. Suddenly, everyone had all they needed, and the market was saturated.

Success! Right? Maybe. Perhaps. Who knows? I dunno’.

Pet rocks, beanie babies, specific dolls, and a long list of prior clamors for products preceded this event.

It’s the way we are and the way the market works. Stress may find a way, but if you are on the creation side, you are blessed when you find the next hit product! Maybe you may make a gazillion dollars. Retirement! Travel! Life of Riley!

But what if what you need is not being fulfilled by the marketplace? When stress oversaturates you life, where do you go?

When I needed peace,
no one could provide it,
I searched, sought, anguished, and prayed.
With an illness of the body and mind
My struggles never found the answer
No one had the best solution
Except for the one who made it all.

Life has a way of filling the void
Wasting time, money, and desire
Ill-spent from the clamor of the crowd.
But in a still, quiet, and serene way,
Jesus steps into my space
And commands the storm to abate.

Suddenly, I’m saturated by his presence.
So unlike what the world tries to offer
I know. He’s here. Feel it?
I know the source of my need
It comes only from the one who commands
Storms, waves, wind, and fear.
Peace! Be still.

Soak it up. Saturate your space with His Peace.
You’ll never know a better place.
Turn down the world’s bid for your attention.
There’s nothing worth stressing over out there.
But inside, Peace that the world did not give,
Or Peace the world cannot take away.

Oversaturated? Or in Need?
When life has a way of saturating the space
with glitz, glamour, and emptiness,
Turn to the one who can saturate your life
with something the world didn’t give,
and the world cannot take it away.

Oversaturated? Or in Need? When life has a way of saturating the space with glitz, glamour, and emptiness, turn to the one who can saturate your life with something the world didn't give and the world cannot take away. Click To Tweet

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!