Face with Questions Who What Where When How WhyYou Are The Result of Your Actions.

You are who you spend most of your time with
Because everyone bleeds off on you,
and sometimes, you influence others.
Your core group of connections defines y’all.

You are what you focus on,
And this is important. The collective of “what.”
Includes doodling, gaming, collecting, or whatever.
Your core identity of what you do defines you.

Where do you choose to be, go, play, or work?
Well, that defines you in a different slice of yourself
That combines with the who and what to make
A very unique you to the world.

I hope you catch my drift. All these statements and more,
Jumbled and mish-mashed together,
Define “you” to “us,” and you may agree with the results.
Or, you may not. It’s totally up to you.

Every friend you make, habit you acquire, or interest you follow
Define you specifically and especially to everyone else.
It’s not that you are trying to be everyone else, but at times
The “you” conflicts with everyone, making “you” difficult.

There’s no time like the present to rein yourself into a pause
Think it through, analyze your findings, and make a change
To present a better you, first to self and then to us.
“I’m pulling for you. We’re all in this together!”

Iron sharpens iron, says a wise man of old (Proverbs 27:17)
From which we are both sharpened and refreshed. We’re Friends!
But as your countenance changes, you are also changing your friend.
You can easily be an influencer as well as one influenced.

My question this morning is, “why?” Why are you like you are?
Why should you change? Everything we are is a learning environment.
Learning never stops, but we can have our surroundings hold us back.
Our culture, acceptance of value, and ostracizing of others.

Some say they don’t like cold. That’s sad, true, but I don’t like hot.
Our happy mediums are many degrees apart, so separated we live.
While it may be physiologically defined, and pure freedom when you know.
That’s a major point. Know the “why” and let the rest handle itself.

Equally, the other things we’ve accepted come from all those questions.
Questions that need answers. You know, “who, what, where, why, how, and when.”
They all concern me when thinking of you.
Each presents a harder challenge, and each might need an “undo and redo.”

I suspect everything we do is enjoined with a focused result in mind.
From learning a hobby to joining a club or meeting for specific results.
We want change. Now. Today. Here. Hear me! Now!
Hold the Party Line securely, don’t step over, or you will certainly lose.

I’m PC, no MAC, except my phone, tablet, and wristwatch. Hmmm.
Maybe I’m blended? Perhaps. But I know my PC logic and structure
But a MacBook is foreign soil. I’m not willing to learn.
Uh Oh. I’ve just pinned my world. Okay. I accept this about me.

I buy American whenever and wherever I can.
Why? Not all are the best, but I learned early to make a choice.
I did. I do. I will. Never won’t. There. Married. For Life.
Drawing the line for some things is totally about identity.

I’ve reached the end of my thought this morning, but it’s not over.
For Sure! We will always be accepted, even rejected,
By that which we do, including Who, What, When, Where, How, and Why.
What’s your choice? Stick in the mud? Or ready to grow?

You Are The Result of You: Iron sharpens iron, says a wise man of old (Proverbs 27:17) From which we are both sharpened and refreshed. We're Friends! As your countenance changes, you also change your friend. An influencer, as well as… Click To Tweet

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!