I drove 300 miles and about 8 hours behind the wheel last Tuesday. Other than the short trip Mom was with me, I went about my driving in my normal quiet mode. Freeways and Exits have changed, so I need to keep my wits about me. New boulevards pop up and create shortcuts.

Speed limits are faster than where I live! Love it.

But the main reason for quiet driving was…no, it was not only to think. It was to look out for the toll roads! Toll Roads. They’re everywhere.

I remember the small freeway system of the late ‘50s and ‘60s. Now they are everywhere you turn. Houston has been blessed with a loop of freeway intersections around downtown, 17 miles. Then the 610 Loop circling the next outward loop – 54 miles (If my memory is correct.). Then, the Beltway, at a suspected 81 miles long, contained within Harris County.

It’s been planned for years and coming to fruition, but there will now be a Grand Parkway around the core counties of Houston that will be a remarkable 180 miles or so. 11 segmented sections joined to give you a path around the metropolis.

There are three major freeways transecting the city. I-45, I-10, I-59/69. Along with all the additional parkways and the ilk, there are more high speed lanes giving you the opportunity to zig zag around and through Houston. If you will only pay attention to traffic reports and road conditions.

Other than the federal freeway system,
much of what Houston sees developing are via Toll Roads.
Yes. They are everywhere.

To get there faster, you must pay a toll.

There is a cost to living anywhere, but toll roads can surprise you if you are not ready for them.

Toll Roads

After Henry’s memorial service, I headed to Ace, Texas. Due to the wonderful growth of the area, I mapped my trip to skip the tolls, but poor signage hooked me. Zap! Suddenly I’m on the Grand Parkway, T-99, from Baytown east and north to connect up with I-10. About $4 in tolls, I think. The bill hasn’t come through yet.

The Grand Parkway

On my return trip, I did a similar mapping but took routes I was more familiar with. Google had a hard time accepting my chosen path and kept attempting to reroute me via a U-turn. Watch out! Tolls are that way!

Life is Challenging and Expensive

Our trip through life enjoy nice country roadsides that are paid by highway taxes. If you want speed and quickness, someone has to pay the piper. You. The driver. Pay for what you use. I think insurance and gas taxes will change all of us in the near future as alternative energy vehicles change the current model. Imagine the money saved in automatic driveable cars that do not need road lights, signals, stripping, or guardrails. Hmmm.

To get what we want in life does not come freely. It costs an arm, a leg, and sometimes more skin in the game than we think we should spend.

For all those students who took out student loans, there’s a push to make education free. Reality? Someone will pay for it. Who? All of us. Taxes. Taxes. Taxes. Another’s education will cost all of us a bundle.

My property taxes seem to be about 60% geared to support the education system already!

I keep voting down all tax increases, but there are more who want my dollars for the collective benefit. Eventually we will be unable to afford property. Think about it. Even renters are paying the landlords taxes!

As the infrastructure ages, and the population increases, we must spend money on improvement and growth. Driving that T-99 route, then through Anuhac to Liberty, I saw hundreds and thousands of acres awaiting to be taken over by our growth. As in some SF book from my past, trees may be locked up in a museum and we’ll pay to see them.

Thank the health care system change that now costs families hundreds of dollars more to cover their health. As someone who experienced the new world said to me a week or so back, “At least we have coverage!” Go ahead, write that $1,500 check for next month premiums.

Groceries, real estate, oil, gas… Whew! It’s all getting out of sight! Remember!

To get what we want in life does not come freely. It costs an arm, a leg, and sometimes more skin in the game than we think we should spend.

Here’s My Thought

Jesus said, “The poor you will have with you always.” (John 12:8) We will always carry the load of the misfortunes of life in general. Yet, if we are going to grow equal, someone must figure out how to make things better. It’s not always on the back of the rich. They’ve worked hard. What we need is to create better toll roads than a lottery that benefits so few. We need to figure out how to help everyone have a better life.

What? How? I dunno! I’m reaching the last third of my life and that may be more than even I can figure out.

We don’t all want the same thing. It takes the Supreme Court to define what our laws mean, and thus set the stage for some, but it’s supposed to be for all.

I’ve worked hard all my life for where I am today. Along the way, I’ve hired folks and prayerfully I’ve given support for growth. I’ve given my resources to help the lest fortunate. That being said, do I trust those who receive my resources spend them wisely?

Could I do more? Sure. We all can. But when I give money to that beggar along the roadside of life, how will the resources be utilized. Alcohol? Drugs? Kids? Food? Shelter? You never know, but you feel better that you’ve done something? A beggar outside of a fast food was asking for food. I asked him to wait and I brought him some food and drink. He tossed the drink aside and inhaled the food. Walking off, I never heard a thanks.

But I remember what it felt to help someone along the way of life.

That’s the cost of living. It’s not just about me and my path. It’s about helping someone else along the way.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!