Western WallWestern Wall

I’ve never felt the “tiredness” of a Sunday as much as I’ve been feeling this year. It used to be a power nap between two services. Shake off the tiredness and get up and do it again!

Today? A power nap lasts 90 minutes
and I’m thankful there’s no evening commitment!

I’m sure it’s just an age thing, and in my role I tend to give my all, so I’ll accept that my energy is not as strong as it once was.

In fact, I look at all the young parents with a passel of kids hanging around their knees, and I’m glad my are grown and gone! That’s an energy level I cannot even remember!

Today, I spent time sharing about Nehemiah. The only place you hear of him is in the book of his name, and once in the book of Ezra. His burden was the loss of the homeland – walls torn down, gates burned, and the people who escaped were distressed and facing local reproach.

From the time he heard the news (November), until the days the walls were restored (August) were approximately nine months. The major work was accomplished in just 52 days.

I’ve seen and touched the walls of Jerusalem. I’ve walked through a number of the gates in existence today. How did the do so much in such a short time? What was their biggest stress?

Could you and I have been as successful as they were?

Western Wall
Western Wall

There’s a sub-story at work. Working, and worrying about the possibility of attack. Carrying tools in one hand, weapons in the other. Some working, others acting as guards.

Add the tools and supplies that needed to be used, food, shelter, and add in the rest time.

How did they do this? I think they had a lot of power naps! Remember the words of Jesus, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26)

I’ll take these words anytime! David, what do you have to say?

“For by You I can run against a troop,
By my God I can leap over a wall.”
(Psalms 18:29, NKJV)

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!