Park benches awaiting a conversation.

I cannot tell you when it began or why I started having conversations with strangers and not even thinking it was a strange thing. I am confident that the life and times of Jesus and Paul showed me their benefit in speaking with people you had never met before.

An open conversation that comes to you, or you begin,
often produces results you only experience because you were willing to converse.

In Alaska, a lady visited our church, and before you knew it, we had nailed a connection between us that we had never seen coming. She knew people I had gone to church with and visited the church where my brother pastors this day!

Later on, here in Washington, a lady from a title company stopped by our mortgage office, and a similar conversation ensued. Only, she used to send her kids to VBS at the church my brother now pastors!

Go figure. Who would have guessed?!!?

Conversations With Strangers: An open conversation that comes to you, or you begin, often produces results you only experience because you were willing to converse. Click To Tweet

Here’s How It Works

A casual meeting while standing in a line, waiting for an opening, or even the next table over at a restaurant. You must be willing to talk. Sometimes, that window is closed, as in a deadline, rushing because I’m late, or something else occupies the thinking space. Other times? You must be willing to open up a dialogue.

My opening line is like this: “Where you from originally?” Okay. It’s not good English and can be a little invasive, but the right tone of voice and mannerisms can open a treasure trove of conversation.

I’ve had conversations with kids at the window of an airport terminal, standing in awe of an airplane taxiing in. Their parents are right there, so I always keep them in the conversation loop so no one feels odd.

Even, “Can I help you with that?” It takes nothing from me to help unload a grocery cart for a struggling person. You never know where conversations will lead. Be kind. Open a door. Step aside for another. In other words, be rushed all you want but don’t forget to be kind.

Never let an opportunity pass you by. There’s gold in ‘dem ‘der hills!

A Recent Event

I was rushing to Utah to be there for my uncle a few weeks ago. At my last stop to top off fuel and get a final cup of coffee, a gentleman was on the other side of the pump. He tossed some ice to the side and nearly hit a stranger. I chuckled with him as he apologized (it was accepted). Thus began a chat session: at the pumps, into the store, through the store, and I think if I had not been rushing, we could have talked for a while.

A scripture came to mind and is often on the outskirts of my brain when these events happen. The last chapter of Hebrews contains an excellent resource of one-liners worthy of consideration.

Do not forget to entertain strangers,
for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.
(Hebrews 13:2 NKJV)

Have you ever felt that connection with a stranger that seems like it was meant to be? No halo or wings in appearance, but the instant camaraderie or chill-producing moment lets me know! Yes! This exchange was supposed to happen!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!