When to rest the weary mind?

We know to refresh the body with rest, including sleep.
The body is restored with wholesome food and drink.
We catch our breath and let the body reconnect.
Do our eyes get tired? Close them to stimulation. Rest.
Loud noises banging the eardrums? Muffle them.
Too cold, too hot, just right – we are each differently affected.

Ahh… The power of renewal!

But what do you do when the mind grows weary?
The constant manipulation of thought, plans, and memories.
The subconscious never sleeps, and dreams are the rearranging of memories.
It truly appears the mind never finds rest from hurrying to and fro.
The power of the mind over choices can never be underrated.
If only the mind had been sharpened and shaped by experiences that make a difference,
Our choices today may move us to better instead of worse places.

I woke with many choices on the plate in front of me. Which way to go that’s the best for now vs. the future? Listen to the myriad of voices telling and selling; you may never make a good choice just right for you. Remember, you live with your options until you decide not to be stuck in the rut of your own doing.

“I must have a prodigious amount of mind;
it takes me as much as a week, sometimes, to make it up!”
~Mark Twain

Perhaps the best thought for me this morning? Don’t let others’ dirty feet walk through the pathways of my mind. Groom and mold the recesses of my thinking and let my mind rest on autopilot for a while.

When The Mind is Tired: Perhaps the best thought for me this morning? Don't let others' dirty feet walk through the pathways of my mind. Groom and mold the recesses of my thinking and let my mind rest on autopilot for a while. Click To Tweet

Now, let your mind think about the Good Things and not worry about life. Even if only for a little while.

Thank you, Lord, for your mercy, peace, grace, love, and care.
Thank you, Lord, for salvation and a future.
Give thanks to the Lord, for his mercy endures forever. (Psalms 136:1,2,3,26)
Look at the night sky and don’t try to determine where space may end.
Enjoy the relaxation of family and quit trying to determine the dynamics at play.
Thanks, oh Lord, for my bride. You fashioned us for each other, and we derive our best opposite from each other.
Thank you, Lord, for my children. You knew what we would need in our youth, middle and aging days.
Blessings, o Lord, for my family name and the world you drew me from to plant me on this planet.

Let me pause and give thanks, but Lord? Let my mind find some rest: rest, o weary mind. The day will have plenty of challenges soon enough. Enjoy the morning and the rising sun.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!