Where is FridayWhere Is Friday?

Friday has often been a distinct day uniquely identified as the end of the work week. That early start to a weekend routine or the ending of a hard week at work. For some, there is no better day of the week. For others, well, let’s say it’s another day and be happy we’re above ground, breathing, and soaking up some sunshine.

Friday represents the beginning, as well as the ending.

Back in the day of high school, I enjoyed Friday night football games. I was one of the high school photographers for several years, and I could travel with the team to “away” games. I was able to make sure my after-school jobs accommodated the activity, which often required me to work Saturday to make up missed income.

But when the season ended, Friday became just another day. Albeit, school time was over for the week.

Today happens to be the last “get everything ready” because vacation is starting… Now, wait. Don’t worry. It’s only “Stay-Cation.” My brother and sister-in-law are here, and we’re happy doing project work. My wife’s sister gets here Sunday, which will be a particularly unique time.

Think about it. Summer has not even started!

We’re not going anywhere, and not doing anything except having time with family. But there’s something about claiming the “vacation” spot! Most kids are still in school, so there’s no downtime on the local front, but those in other states have been on Summer Break for weeks!

The golden child of the weekdays.
The superhero of the workweek.
The welcome wagon to the weekend.” 

Why Friday?

Why is Friday special? If my reasons above are not enough to shout hallelujah, then perhaps I need to consider what Muhammad Ali said, “Don’t count the days. Make the days count.” Whichever day you are facing, make that day count, else, we don’t give any day it’s due to be unique!

When we “count down” the days we like to think of that ending day that a new “count up” begins!

I must confess that Friday is special to me. Yes, my work week often ended unless I was on special duty and had to focus on weekend coverage. In IT that happened often enough to make me happy that my career choice is behind me.

On the other hand, Friday is still a day that deserves attention. It’s not about ending, starting, or wishing it was over, rather, the day must be productive in its own right. In our Western counting system, Friday is the sixth day. Yes. Sunday is the first day of the week. Do the math. Friday is the sixth day.

Some dread Monday and denote it as being Blue. Sad. Gloomy, the weekend is over. Some think the day after Sunday’s Superbowl should be a National Holiday. I’m not so sure about that. The Superbowl has only been around a dozen years younger than me, so why not turn my birthday into a grand celebration. I was born on the 13th, only it was a Thursday. In case you were wondering.

I sure dislike Black Friday. It’s the last day on the face of this earth that I want to think about shopping!

Maybe There Is A Reason For Friday

Jesus was crucified on the sixth day before the day of rest. Sabbath. On the Jewish calendar that is Saturday. Maybe our focus on Friday is due to the crucifixion. Why do we know this is the day? Because John gives us a hint.

Therefore, because it was the Preparation Day,
that the bodies should not remain on the cross on the Sabbath
(for that Sabbath was a high day),
the Jews asked Pilate that their legs might be broken,
and that they might be taken away.
John 19:31 NKJV

Friday. The day of crucifixion and the day of death and burial. One writer even thinks he can date the event, and it’s always interesting to see how others look at this. [Source]

If every Friday made me pause
To consider the ending, beginning and
The struggles of it all
Would it not then be easier to say,
Thank you Lord, for this bountiful day
No matter which it may be.
I make it better with you.


Where Is Friday? If every Friday made me pauseTo consider the ending, beginning andThe struggles of it allWould it not then be easier to say,Thank you Lord, for this bountiful dayNo matter which it may be.I make it better with you. Click To Tweet

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!