Lost in TransmissionLost in Transmission

Okay. I’m not the perfect communicator; where I seamlessly reach out and touch everyone’s understanding through multiple platforms.

I write; therefore, I share.

The same message goes out to the same group of people, whether family, friends, or strangers. I communicate across the platforms: Social Media, Messenger, Text, Email, Video, and Blog. Communicate! Written, face-to-face, from the front of the room, and even across phone lines.

Can and string, anyone?

I was caught cheating in 6th grade. Everyone was making straight A’s. Even the guy who had failed two years running. What did the teacher see me doing? Sign Language. David and I thought we would learn the alphabet and sign the answers during test times. The teacher separated us across the room from each other, our only punishment. Did that stop us? Nope!

Morse Code, here we come!

When TV was B&W, Rabbit Ears reigned supreme, and there were only three channels? The radio was AM only. The vacuum tube was standard. Come on! I’ve been watching and listening to communication since the dark ages! It was customary for static and garbled transmission to be sent, processed and received in those olden days. Today? You rewind. Back then, it was lost in transmission.

Test The Receiver

I have a fond memory of our old B&W TV. It wasn’t working. Mom was never hesitant about opening up the innards and looking for blown TV Tubes. We would take the non-working device down to the local U-Tote-Em (convenience store), and just inside the door was a Tube Tester. Plug it in, test it out, and if not working, open the cabinet door and find a replacement, pay for it, and take it home. Plug it in. Works!

The pandemic has done something to us. Well, so has spam, scam, and junk mail. We’ve tuned out and turned it off. Chuck it all into the ravine (future treasure chest of old goods!). When we pay attention, it’s become difficult to remember what we heard, who said it, and what’s even true anymore?

“Just the Facts, please.”

Recently, I sent an email and asked for a particular response. Only a couple of folks responded. I post on Social Media, and unless it’s a picture, I seldom get “clicks” to indicate read, understood, liked, or a big ol’ thumbs down.

It seems we’re leaving the written word behind. The spoken word is accepted if it fits our listening style. Else, it’s promptly ignored.

Part of the problem is the variety of sources. When we are overwhelmed by News sources, can you even remember where you heard something, read it, or saw an image of the story that got your attention? A few years ago, it was called “information overload.” We are way past that. It’s a struggle to weed out the good and toss the bad to its early grave.

Even then, the good gets lost in transmission.

Lost in Transmission: The pandemic has done something to us. We've tuned out and turned it off. Chuck it all into the ravine (future treasure chest of old goods!). When we pay attention, it's become difficult to remember what we heard,… Click To Tweet

Communications Get Frustrating

I’m no saint when it comes to getting frustrated with the variety of communications coming my way!

Before regulation gave you some power, there was a time that you could do nothing about junk mail, scam phone calls, or unwanted messaging. There was also a time when you could not unplug your telephone. I stuffed the phone with cotton and buried it under covers and pillows. It could only clatter, but I could not stop the caller from making one call after another. It’s worse today!

Robo-callers Be-Gone!

How do we get important information into the hands/ears/minds of those that need the information?

There are no easy answers.

I received several calls last week. A newly redesigned district put a new name in the hopper as my representative. She wants to have an electronic Town Hall. “Frustrated am I!” (In the voice of The Grinch!) I would rather read about it first before someone occupies my hearing with a ring and voicemail.

Then, I received several calls from some entity within the state government that was taking an anonymous health survey. Again. Warn me in writing first before ringing me at home.

What most don’t understand? I don’t ignore it. The ringer is off. That’s the power of my choice! I check voicemail and caller-id when I’m ready. Anything important? Handle it! All others? Delete, block, toss, and write a blog!

Lost in Transmission

We are living in times like the little boy who cried, Wolf! At first, we pay attention. Then due to transmission problems or the discordant sounds, we fail to realize that something of value is not sticking.

Jesus, why do you speak in parables? Others will not understand, but you do. Who is Jesus talking to? His disciples. (Emphasis all mine…)

To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given, and they will have an abundance of knowledge. But for those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them. That is why I use these parables, For they look, but they don’t really see. They hear, but they don’t really listen or understand. This fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah [Isaiah 6:9-10] that says, ‘When you hear what I say, you will not understand. When you see what I do, you will not comprehend. For the hearts of these people are hardened, and their ears cannot hear, and they have closed their eyes—so their eyes cannot see, and their ears cannot hear, and their hearts cannot understand, and they cannot turn to me and let me heal them.’ “But blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear.
Matthew 13:12-16 NLT

What’s your take-away? In the middle of the ministry of Jesus, the disciples are listening. They hear Jesus all the time, even when it’s a repeat of yesterday’s teaching. Think about it! There was nothing new after they had heard it once, but still, they listened! Their listening skills give them an abundance of knowledge. Those who do not listen will never understand, even though their ears are hearing.

E.F. Hutton, anyone?

We live through times where a Christian’s voice contends with the cacophony of sounds that drown out the Good News. Persistence pays off. The day will come when someone will say,

“Hey, you’re solid! You’ve been saying the same thing for years! Tell me more!”

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!