
We’ve got Coyotes. They show up at night, and when they yip and howl, our dogs can go wild. Our German Shepherds have probably kept them from getting too close to the chickens. We did lose six or so a few years ago due to coyotes coming up close to the house in the early morning hours. They scaled the 8-foot fence and got their morning treat!

You would think coyotes would learn a thing or two about stealth. Back then, we only had our English Shepherd, who was too timid to challenge the coyotes. Unchallenged, you give them license to do what they want, when, where, and how!

Awaken and alert the dogs. Well,
the coyotes would have done well to let sleeping dogs lie.

In other words, this idiom is often used to teach us to “leave things alone,” or else they may stir up the beast of response and reaction.

Well, a few years ago, we stepped out into the night air and listened to them. They were not interested in letting sleeping dogs lie. Nor us. I recorded the audio and edited the slide show to include them. They sounded close!

Backyard Coyotes

What if we were as alert to the dangers our sleeping dogs are awakened to? What would we do? Anything? Nothing?

Let Sleeping Dog's Lie:Sometimes, it's best not to stir the nest or upset the status quo. Let sleeping dogs like, and you'll likely do just fine. Click To Tweet

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!