You Need A FilterYou Need A Filter

We have heard a phrase that has much meaning for many folks in recent times.

Be Present

In other words, to me, it says to live consciously in the moment. Be aware of where you are and your surroundings. Soak up the moment for your benefit and the benefit of others. In other words, live consciously.

Perhaps it’s like having a good filter to remove the grounds you don’t want and allow the coffee in all its glory that you do want!

Can you do this all the time? With coffee, we do! But in other areas, it’s tough. We fall back into old habits that pull us into the trap of “who and what” we were. Most of us are happy to be our intro/extroverted selves. It’s where we focus on what we need the most and ensure we get what we want. Seldom does it take into account the present moment. Simply being where you are and enjoying your surroundings – for yourself and the sake of others.

During the first week of #TwentyTwentyTwo, I’ve focused on thinking about how to be better in the new year. It’s not about resolutions (it makes me think of legal documents, courtrooms, and politicians). Instead, it’s about our goals! Concrete, because we write them down!

Here are my ten goals for this new year. I will amend them as I move forward. Some will flow into who I am. Others will challenge me to think through the moment. I will add to the list, combine some of the elements, and maybe even prioritize depending on what the day portends. In one way, these first three will always be my focus, and the others will find their place at the appropriate moment.

Put God First (Prayer, Word, Service)
Then Put My Bride Next
Enjoy my family
Slow Down
Think More Clearly and Consciously
Enjoy the moment
Be More Healthy
Reach out to someone every day
Meet a Stranger
Help someone

I could write blogs about each one of them. Who knows, someday I may. But for now, they are in the public space, written in my mind, tagged to my heart, and will become my future self.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!