Pot, Water, FireThe right conditions and timing

For anything to happen, whether purposefully or accidentally, conditions must be right and all the pieces in place. Nothing is successful until the mind says, “Now… Let’s get’er done!”

A jigsaw puzzle does not finish itself locked away in a box sitting in the corner. Nor does a house build itself until the raw material is gathered, and processed. I heard a salesman tell a potential buyer that the product is years away. “They haven’t even mined the raw materials needed. Order now, but you will need to wait for three or four years.”

Equally, we don’t have what we can have until we get a mindset to obtain. The shoe salesman sent to a country called home, “Bring me home, they don’t wear shoes.” Another one was sent, and the call came home, “Send more shoes! They don’t wear shoes here!”

The Right Conditions, The Right Timing: For anything to happen, whether purposefully or accidentally, conditions must be right and all the pieces in place. Nothing is successful until the mind says, "Now… Let's get'er done!" Click To Tweet

Do you want hot coffee? It’s taken years to get the beans to market in a steady fashion so you can order what you want when you want. What if someone did not see the potential and plan for the future?

Do you need some boiling water? Think about it! Living in a cabin in the middle of nowhere, you need to plan on where you get your water, how you will acquire it, and now how do you get the fire going safely so you can boil in a pan someone spent a generation of time learning how to make?

Notice. Hot Water and Coffee go together, but they are miles apart in their attainment!

Back In The Day, And Now

When I was younger I must have missed the challenge that said learning what we teach you is important. I goofed off much of my high school years. It’s not that I graduated ignorant, rather, my focus was on something that the school didn’t comprehend. Or, they knew but could do nothing about it.

Later in life, I saw what I had missed and played double-time to catch up. Why? I was ready. The conditions were ripe. There was a tangible result of my studies. I needed to get up to speed quickly!

It could be this is where we are today. We’ve wasted some valuable time getting what we need to survive, so we are playing catch-up! It’s not too late. Yet. But the day will come when no amount of catch-up will work!

Your future begins now. This very second, and every second marching ahead. Do not put off what you don’t know how to do. Learn. Do. Teach.

Tell me and I forget.
Teach me and I remember.
Involve me and I Understand.
~Benjamin Franklin

It’s time to quit listening just to hear, rather it’s time to take the lessons to heart, get involved, and then teach the future!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!