Chewy and GunnyChewy and Gunny

Today, it’s been about six months since Chewy gave birth to what I called her “first and only” litter. Only, she surprised all of us by coming into “heat” early before her spay surgery. Around here, vets are interested in doing the surgery only after a dog reaches a certain age. Chewy was still too young.

So. We are watching for puppies to drop today. Her water broke last night and it’s normally 6-12 hours later that puppies are born. She’s sitting at my feet right now waiting, perhaps knowing what’s happening, but definitely ready for the event.

Last time she had nine (count them! 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9!) puppies. We’re praying for two or three, but she’s big enough to have a dozen! Oh! No!

We moved the whelping box from the garage due to the record-breaking cold, and she will be upstairs in a specially designed area. It just means we all benefit from some exercise over the next 8 weeks!

During our nearly 48 years of marriage, 2021 will be, if nothing else, the year of the puppies! July, and now December. We started analyzing the past, and over those same years, none of our pets have had babies! This has been, and will be, a banner year! German Shepherd puppies go for 1200-1500 dollars! We didn’t make much money the first go due to all the “new parent” jitters and the extra expense of setting up a one-time shop. This time? We’re making a mint!

But wait! My bride is running a necessary errand and won’t be home for a couple of hours…

It’s all in my hands! No! I’m Not Ready!

Chewy! Not yet! Wait!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!