Jot Myself A NoteJot Myself A Note

It’s busy today… Monday after Sunday, and a Snow Date to boot! There’s a lot on my plate, and I’m making notes right and left. To-do. Follow-ups. Goal Setting. Year-end close. Things to not forget, and trying to determine what I need to remember. And, of course, my blog. For over 53 days, I’ve written something new every day. Some of my best writing comes from life around me as it happens, so my post is very present. That’s what we are often encouraged to do. “Be Present in the Moment.”

But then, what do I do with all these old notes?

Yellow tabbies stack up. Scrap paper fills a drawer. Everything is dated and still has some value, so I migrated old notes to new pages!

Some years back, I started making notes on graphing paper. It makes it easy to line things up and keep words flowing straight. Then I found a notebook of graphing paper, and I transitioned. Now I can look back through the book for previous notes. It’s like a database of thought!

Long before graphing paper, I used to keep notes on church services. Notebooks. I still have them in my library that started 50 years ago.

When all is said and done, do you throw old notes away? How do you keep up with notes? Thoughts? Contact information? Directions? Instructions? Doodles?

Taking and reviewing notes, a fun way of thinking things through.

I’m transitioning again and moving to a digital format. The satisfaction of deep history makes this a fun transition, but I miss the idea of pen on paper.

Remember your contact books? I used to keep a tiny one in my wallet. Now my wallet is my phone, and I have thousands more contacts than I know what to do with!

Oh, well. Let me Jot another Note and think this through some more.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!