Weight of it AllWeight of it All

Snow Day! From a warning to a head’s up and then to a “Severe” notice, we are leaving 2021 behind as the snow loads up our frames. Branches are bending under the weight. Can we take it? Who knows. Time will tell.

Today is Sunday, the day after Christmas. It was supposed to be a special celebration, but Snow Day rearranged our plans. The online church was a rebroadcast of prior teaching. It saved the day. As I sit and review the “event,” its weight all settled on my frame. I’ve watched others crumble under the load. Easy? For some, but not me! They may walk away, give up, ignore the load, and take only what they feel they can handle at that time. Skip into the world and say, “Sayanora! Adios! Adieu! Good-Bye!”

That’s not my personality. It takes a lot of button pushing to make me say, “It’s now time to chunk it all!”

When it gets tough, there’s something in my personality that rises to the challenge of shouting back at the problem. No subtility. Just raw power. As I age, that power is differently felt and shown. Through the years of life, I’ve learned how to rise to the challenge, face the moment head-on, and get back to winning the race of life.

How Do We Overcome

Each of us knows what it takes to overcome the challenge we are facing. It’s unique to you, as it is for me. You know when there’s too much on the plate. Equally, you know, sometimes it requires others coming alongside to bear the load.

David saw the armies of Israel giving up to Goliath. It wasn’t his nature to accept the moment, and with just a few stones and drawing on some experiences, he gives the challenge over to God and fights the battle. Just One Stone! There is not an arsenal, nor a massive army, just a few moments not ready to give up. (1 Samuel 17)

Israel had the battle to fight. Moses, Aaron, and Hur go to the top of a hill to direct their army. When Moses grew tired, they rolled a stone over to sit on. When his arms grew weary, they stood on either side of Moses and held his arms up. As long as Aaron and Hur held up the arms of Moses, Israel prevailed. Let them down? The enemy wins. Just hold on! (Exodus 17)

Jehoshaphat grew fearful when a great army approached his kingdom. He prayed, called for a national fast, and stood in front of the people praying and reminding God of His promises. When Israel begins to sing praises, the enemy is defeated! (2 Chronicles 20)

Each of these examples tells us a path forward when the weight seems to be heavier than we can bear alone. Draw on your past examples. Know your Word. Hold up the hands of your leaders and each other. Pray, fast, worship.

Before you throw in the towel, perhaps it’s wise to give pause to what you are “not doing” and “should be doing” so victory is in your grasp!

The weight of it All: Before you throw in the towel, perhaps it's wise to give pause to what you are "not doing" and "should be doing" so victory is in your grasp! Click To Tweet

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!