Summer stormSummer Storm

Well, perhaps. Summer ends in a week or so, but our first storm of the season is blowing through. We normally call them Pineapple Expresses because they come out of the Pacific Ocean, from somewhere out there where Hawai’i is located. Even beyond. This one feels different. It’s actually warm. Almost hot. But the wind has been blowing since noonish on Friday, and the rain started about 10 pm. The lights have been flickering. Must mean a tree is tilting its summer growth across a power line somewhere.

Anyway. Saturday is the day we get to drive the first of our pups to meet their new forever home. Then someone is coming to pick up the second one Saturday afternoon. And then? Hopefully, the third one hits the road Sunday.

It’s not that I’m ready to wave goodbye, rather, they are developing strong bonds with us, each other, and our grown dogs. At this age, they need to bond with their new lives. New rules, family faces, food, and comfort arrangements.

I’m going to miss them.

But we will watch through the years as they grow, forget all about us, and become the beautiful animals and loving pals they are meant to be.

Meanwhile, the lights are flickering… Posting before it’s tooooo lateeeeee…

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!