Dandelion Growing in a Sidewalk CrackDandelion Growing in a Sidewalk Crack

Standing at a crossroads, determining what to do next, I’m convinced it’s easy to get lost in the weeds. From trips to plan, vehicles to buy, houses to build, and a church to re-grow, I’m noticing the abundance of distractions and opportunities. In other words, there are good weeds and some that are not so good. What I’m really angling for are solutions that resolve the moment by trouncing indecision. A solution rises to the top, and you go with it because it is the right choice at the right moment.

Throw into the mix our nine new fur babies. Yes, Chewy had 9 puppies (July 14, 2021), and the weeds just got thicker! Make the work worse with a back still struggling after an auto accident that totaled my brides’ car. Oh, and that’s where vehicle choices come from but now is not the time to consider something new due to the high costs! Houses are selling for record highs, and it’s a good time to sell but not so good to build!

Weeding Out Possibilities, Looking For Solutions – Standing at crossroads, determining what to do next, you must know your backbone of Why so you can move forward successfully. Click To Tweet

Among all the trappings of weeds, you must outline the backbone of your responsibility and necessary focus. Then, stay on track moving in the right direction. It’s not easy, but it is vitally important not to follow every rabbit trail.

Weed, Toss, Forget, Do It Again

One of my most difficult tasks is to weed something out of the mix, toss it to the side and then forget about it. That thought, option, or even opportunity is not tossed to “File 13” (trash can). Rather, it ends up in a folder for some future reconsideration.

That’s my problem!

I have too many folders with future ideas that were simply the weeds of yesterday! Eventually, I have to weed again! That’s my office and garage status right now! It’s an impossible task for me to toss something away that may have some future use!

The problem with this process is two-fold. First, I know it’s there somewhere, and it takes a while to look for it. Second, I forget it’s there, and when I run across it I’m surprised I hadn’t done something with it before! Sometimes it’s good to have weeds, or so I would surmise!

Take Charge!

The Apostle Paul said to bring into captivity every thought…(2 Corinthians 10:5). Though he applied the action to a different thought process, I find it very appropriate to control my path forward. Capture the thought and the distraction! Take charge of it!

One man’s weed is another man’s flower, or, as someone else said, “…weeds are flowers once you get to know them.” (A. A. Milne) Still, if you must choose, then let your choice be what grooms your path forward.

Last week I weeded my email inbox. 249 subscriptions to news, blogs, and companies! Gone! It took an hour, and there were some moments I vacillated between delete and keep, but it feels good today! Now, I have three more email addresses I must do the same thing with!

That’s what I’m talking about! Know where you are going and keep your focus only on that which promotes your wellbeing as you charge through life!

When you start thinking about what you left behind, please do not do it with regret. You made a choice. Live with it. Regret about the loss should not drag you backward. Rather, it should make you more aware of what’s in front of you!


By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!