Signs pointing This Way, That WayThink It Through!

Yep… There’s no time like the present to get something done. But when your “present” is full of things needing to be done, then there’s nothing like a priority scheme to organize your plan. “Get’er done!” If too much remains “critical to accomplish now,” then you may be on your own. How much time is required versus which one helps/hurts the worst? Or unload your mind. Take a drive!

After waking early, I felt too tired to do anything useful, so I took a power nap. Yep… At 6:30 a.m.! At this moment, I’ve been up for a while and plodding away at all my duties to make my day feel productive.

When life hands you lemons, make lemonade…
and most sugar coat it too much to enjoy the tartness of the drink!

In front of me is an aging computer. To the left is my desktop that has some snarky issues that make it lock up almost as soon as the reboot is fresh. Behind me are several old clunkers that need to be filled with concrete and used as boat anchors. On the screen, Microsoft tempts me with their new version of the Surface… Hmmm. Distractions are huge! In my younger years, I stayed on top of repairs, updates, and news to keep my systems humming. Today? I want to sit down and do without even thinking about the technology before me.

Morning Drudge

If you’ve read my few sentences, then you see there are many one-liners just waiting to be quoted and slung about with disdain. Maybe you have a few you’d like to share with me?

An email from a monthly author’s gig shared, “Time doesn’t heal all wounds. You do.” I thought “time” had the power to heal all wounds?!!? That got me to think about the one-liners we’ve all quoted and schmoozed others with when we don’t know how to address life’s challenges. You know, that silver lining is not found in the clouds! Nor does picking up a penny bring you luck! Forget tossing salt over your shoulder!

Why do we talk and think like this?

Idioms are words and phrases that make sense if you are a student of history and language. Yes. A broken clock tells the correct time twice a day…only if it’s an older analog clock with hands positioned at the hour and minutes. If it’s digital and the power is kaput, then it does nothing!

Yes, rising tides float all boats, unless the boat has a hole in it.

This morning feels like it’s going to be a great day. Really. Does morning have feelings? And you can sense their feelings? You’re special! (Another idiom with a voice ringing in my ears from the person who likes to say the word special with feeling and sass!)

Idioms are not unique to English or to modern times. Some have been around for centuries and are updated as the language updates. Even the Bible has some. (Click Here)

Analogical Thinking

Thinking clearly is something I feel like I’m good at. Comparing “this to that, “…maybe I can do a good job at it?! Using idioms, similes, metaphors, and all the other comparative language processes makes me even question my sanity. The foundation of our language skills is started when we are too young to know the difference. It improves with age, usage, and continued application of learning. If you don’t stay on top of your learning processes, like the computers above, you need to put on some concrete boots and go swimming!

As I think this thought through, I realize not everyone will be on the same page as I. That’s okay. We are each unique. I probably couldn’t follow your thinking either!

There is much to be said about thinking things through clearly. On a clear day, you can see forever! If it’s cloudy, look for that silver lining. Whoops! I’m beginning to circle the wagons and say the same thing over and over. As an elderly sister said at a church long, long ago, and many miles from here… It would be best if you were like a washing machine on a spin cycle. Smart enough to stop when you are all wrung out!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!