Climbing Until The EndLife is always climbing until the end.

I’m thinking about the concept of continuing even when you feel like giving up.

Maybe step back. Change your pace. Direction. Pausing forward mobility. Sometimes we need to hear the words… Pick ’em up… Put ’em down. Keep moving. Don’t stop. Sometimes we need to plug our ears, slow our brain, and just pause.

Of late, I’ve found it’s easier to work hard in the morning, take a nice long break around Lunch, and then plug away the afternoon until it’s time to take a breather. Rest. Relax. Slow it down a little bit.

Then I realized something. That’s what I’ve done all my adult life. Work hard at the start of the shift. Break for Lunch and relax. Then plug away the afternoon until it was time to go home.

I’m still working!

Okay with that, I am. (In the voice of Yoda.)

I cannot sleep late, no matter how hard I try. The later I stay up at night until I’m no good for anything, well, the same time I start my wake-up routine. Typically, by 5:30, I’m up with coffee brewing, and my morning routine is well underway. I may be tired from a late night, but I cannot tell you the last time I slept by 7 am. Maybe, if I did it, I was probably sick!

Pause and Think, Then Do

(A poet I am Not!)

Sometimes the way is strange,
And we really want to quit.
The path a wearisome trod,
Forget about another step.

Life is a constant climb,
From the beginning until the end.
No plateau or tableland,
Just a constant climb to there.

Pace yourself, you learn,
Till you reach the very end.
Worn, weary, knowing you tried,
Rather than stopping too soon.

It’s not over until it is.
This is my goal. To Go,
Move, Breath and Being be,
Giving my all until then.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!