Over the past two years we’ve said goodbye to so many…family, friends, pets (bird, cat, dog)…dozens are gone.

It’s been difficult for each one for different reasons.

I’m still saying good morning & night to Jaed, our parrot. It’s not been a week yet, but his passing has hit me differently. I suspect it has something to do with a daily routine. Morning, noon, night… conversations with him were constant. He could say my name, respond to my truck pulling into the driveway, and be my pal though he was my brides bird.

I’m also sure, buried in these feelings are the memories of all the other passages. It’s hard to think, still, of my sister and dad, Buddy, Mickey, and other friends gone too quickly.

That being said, I’m thankful for all my current connections, and those still out there to meet. I’m not sad. Feeling blessed.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!