You Belong Here signKnowing Where You Belong

It was just last Sunday… I woke up early, and simply laid there a few minutes. What day is it? Suddenly I felt lost to reality. My bride was next to me, so I didn’t feel necessarily alone. But, for nearly 10 minutes I could not recall the calendar day. Surely it’s important. I woke up, right? I’m not in a dream state thinking about waking up and not knowing the day of the week. Okay… Now. What day is it?

In a few minutes I realized it was Sunday, and I had some great responsibilities resting on my shoulder so I had better get my mind in order, and my body in gear.

I know where I belong, so, let’s face the world!

Then it hit me. Not knowing for those we read about who has amnesia. They are clueless about their identity. And, for the most part, they are not overly concerned about it. Their former life is a mystery, but the day before them is still full of opportunity.

For a moment I could identify with them. I was lost to the world, and suddenly starting to feel like I did not belong anywhere.

Have You Ever Felt Like You Don’t Belong?

I remembered way too many who passed away while in a coma, or while their body was shutting down. They never knew their present state. Clueless. Alone in the sense of having no ability to share their load, wisdom, friendship, or love. We stand around, but we are not able to help them in a way they can understand.

The old sayings speak about the rain that is certain to fall,
the storm that brews over the horizon,
and the calamitous possibility of it all.

I grasp at this thought – I can only hope that when I’m lost, someone will seek and find me. When I’m lonely, even a stranger will show some kindness and reach out to me. In those times I’m needy, someone will satisfy my longing.

Have you ever walked into a room and instinctively knew… I don’t belong here. That’s what I’m thinking about today.

Think With Me

We’ve been in isolation for several months. Our routine of life has changed dramatically. I know of several without gainful employment, a few who have experienced the virus, and quite a few who have not left the house except for those food runs we all need.

When everything was starting to shake loose, we headed home from Texas, cutting our vacation short. Along the way, restaurants closed, hotels shuttered, and, since fuel was essential, gas stations and their associated fast food were our friends. We could not stop and visit family along the path, nor have we seen our only grandchild since late February. It’s nearly June!

In the middle of a chaotic entrance to isolation, we were not sure what the future would hold. There’s no one to share the burden with, and, when you have a “business” to manage, bills to pay, and people to love, then it seems like there is no downtime to have a private pity party!

You learn to deal with it.
Handle it.
Don’t let it handle you!

In the midst of it all, I feel truly blessed. My bride just retired, we have a financial base, health, and a comfortable roof over our heads. No extraordinary debt hanging out there to press one down. Nor, do I feel fear for the present event. It is strange to see the grocery store full of non-essential items, and the bare necessities are swept off the shelf as quickly as they are put out.

Still, in the midst of it all, you can still feel a little lost. Lonely. And far removed from your former life. You simply need to remember… I belong!

Buddy Green

Buddy Green, one of my favorite homespun style singer, wrote a song about where he didn’t belong and knowing where he ultimately belongs and longs to go there. [Click Here To Listen] Listen to the words of this one section that speaks to where I am thinking about today. (Emphasis mine)

Don’t belong
But while I’m here
I’ll be living like I’ve nothin’ to lose
And while I breathe
I’ll just believe
My Lord is gonna see me through
I’ll not be deceived
By earth’s make-believe
No, I’ll close my ears to her siren song
By praisin’ His name, and I’m not ashamed
‘Cause I don’t belong

Sort of makes me break out into an old song… This World Is Not My Home! I’m just passing through!

Here’s My Thought Today

Throughout life, we find those who face worse situations than we are dealing with today. Lost, alone, incarcerated, in hiding… I wonder what we would do if Robinson Caruso was our calling? Swiss Family Robinson? Rip Van Winkle? Ann Franks?

I even thought about those intrepid explorers who set out alone across continents, ice fields, and oceans! Nearly 30 years after Columbus, Cortes launched to the New World. Upon landing, he burned his ships to tell his crew… There’s no going back!

Listen, these explorers never knew what they were getting themselves into, nor if life would ever be the same again.

Think about Abraham, leaving his homeland, and headed to new destinations? Adam and Eve evicted from Paradise. Joseph sold into slavery and incarcerated several times. Moses fleeing to the backside of the desert. Paul, lonely in a cell deep in the bowels of the ultimate ending to way too many. Think of all the disciples who died far from their beloved time with Jesus. Hounded. Persecuted. Imprisoned. Executed.

So many have life much worse than we can ever imagine.

I need to be thankful that I know where I belong. Now. Live Like You Belong!


“That is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you're not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong.” ~F. Scott Fitzgerald Click To Tweet


By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!