Tough TImes Don’t LastTough Times Don’t Last, Tough People Do!

We are living during rough and tumble times. Every advertiser is “right there with you”. You are not alone. We’re in this together. We’ll get through it!

Right? Reality check! Not everyone has the intestinal fortitude to make it through any of it!

When your world changes, those stressors you kept under control reach a breakout point. Through normal life you may only have had a hint they existed and you controlled them well with your normal routine and life. But let change erupt? Volcanic flow!

Some will give it a label, thus they understand it from their perspective. Others will not know what happened until way later.

Here’s the secret about it facing tough times. None of us are exempt. Storms and struggles happen to all of us! Click To Tweet

Call it intestinal fortitude for those who make it through, but these stressors happens to all of us. The power of stress may not be realized until something changes. After the fact, if we survive, we probably comprehend our struggles from a different perspective.

I cannot label for you what I don’t understand, but we see these hidden stressors rise to the surface in all kinds of situations.

Today. I want you to know that survival is possible. Get through these times that all of us are equally facing, and you can call yourself a hero. Manage it, or let it manage you. Be in control, or let it control you. Be a survivor! We’ll get through this!

Here’s My Thought Today

You are never meant to go through life alone. Life is a challenge and you need your circle of influencers and helpers to get through it successfully. Call them friends, confidants, or whatever word you like, but you will find help to get you through stressed out times!

We all need someone to help us through our darkest trial. Right?

Jesus had many followers and disciples. But he had his closest twelve that were with him during all of his ministry. Inside this group was another closer circle. Call them his inner circle. Maybe they were his main support team. Peter, James and John.

Equally, he had friends that were not part of this circle. I’m thinking Lazarus and his sisters. We don’t know where they showed up in his life originally, but Jesus wept at Lazarus’ tomb, and had real-to-life conversations with the sisters.

When Judas led the temple guards to arrest Jesus, everyone fled. Jesus was alone. Peter stood on the edges of the mocking and scourging. When confronted, he denied ever knowing Jesus. The other disciples are never mentioned as being any closer.

At the cross we find, Mary (his mother), Mary Magdalene, and another Mary (wife of Cleophas) stood at the cross, along with John. We only read of this in John’s gospel (John 19:25-27), but he is described as the one that Jesus loved. Finally, after all he has been through, the last moments of breath are coming quickly, we find a different circle supports Jesus through his last moments.

It’s Not Good To Face Life Alone

There’s an old gospel song that rings in my mind. It’s anonymously shared through the centuries, but I love the message and the music.

I’ve seen the lightning flashing. And heard the thunder roll,
I’ve felt sin’s breakers dashing, Trying to conquer my soul;
I’ve heard the voice of Jesus Telling me still to fight on:
He promised never to leave me, Never to leave me alone.

No, never alone, No, never alone –
He promised never to leave me, Never to leave me alone;
No, never alone, No, never alone –
He promised never to leave me, Never to leave me alone.

I suspect someone wrote this who felt they were struggling with life. Alone. But scripture tells us:

Let your conversation be without covetousness;
and be content with such things as ye have:
for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”  
Hebrews 13:5 (KJV)

Just a few verses later, that phrase we all depend on. Jesus Christ. The same yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)

When you have Jesus, he brings into your life the help you will need to get through it! Perhaps even a stranger as the Good Samaritan story tells us.

One Last Thought

Most of us know Psalms 23. It’s read in the middle of disasters, quoted at gravesides, and shared in the darkest corners of life.

One phrase pops out to me over and again.

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…”  
Psalms 23:4 (KJV)

On this I stand. When the trials of life assail, I remind myself. This too shall pass. I’m getting through this!

On Christ the Solid Rock I stand… All other ground is sinking sand. [Source]

“In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life.
It goes on.” ~Robert Frost

If Robert Frost speaks truth, and life does go on, then this struggle we face will not be the last. Learn from this. Why? We are bound to have more.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!