Feet Dangling over the EdgeFeet Dangling over the Edge

I’ve never enjoyed living too close to the edge of Life!

I’ve never enjoyed standing near the edge of a precipice without having the safety of something holding me, or me holding on. For dear life! In fact, I’m not a fan of taking this kind of chance… At all!

If I’m behind a class barrier or looking over the edge of a hot air balloon gondola, then perhaps I’ll take a chance on thinking about the distance down.

Otherwise… let me stand a few extra feet back just so I’ll feel safe.

This does not mean I will never parachute, nor stand on the edge of a grand canyon perch, rather, it means I don’t take the chances that others do. I’m not a scaler of cliff faces! I can creep to a ledge, but if I stumble, fall and pitch over, then all is lost. Can I really trust that railing? Is this belay really secure? Is that rope strong enough?

Wait! I have too much to live for.

Perhaps this is a cowardly view. Imagine Columbus sailing from Europe and the fear of flat earth made him quickly turn around when he loses sight of home. Imagine that astronaut, 10. 9. 8… Wait! Wait!! I’ve changed my mind!

I’m not talking about never taking chances. I am talking about knowing my limitations. Accepting how far I can push in my comfort zone. Being content with my position.

Of course, part of the problem is not only related to my insecurities, but it is also a trust issue of how much I can depend that you (Yes! You!) will not pretend to push me and scare me out of my wits! (Witless!) Or, plan on pushing me to my destruction! This is not just the edge of a cliff I’m talking about! It’s also about living life too close to the edge and being taunted to step out and go just a little bit too far!

So… All of that being said. Maybe it’s a Trust Issue. Can I trust myself? Can I trust you?

Often I find I’m on the “bleeding edge of technology” which is a step beyond the “leading edge” – back when I was young and had money and time to spend, then I’m okay with taking chances to have the latest and greatest. But as I age I find I’m more interested in my technology already being well tested and on the market place long enough that the prices have dropped to a retiring comfort zone!

I still want to travel around the world. Feet on every continent. Antarctica? Sure! Let’s winter over! Asia! Definitely. But only when the snow falls. Otherwise, it’s too hot! I’ve been to some popular destinations in Europe, but find it’s better to go when the crowds have abated. I don’t like to be pressed too close!

Catch my drift? I want to participate only when I have all my ducks in a row! Only when my comfort zone is well established and I can pick the times and places that fit my personality.

Too many only go to where the crowds are! I look out the back window of my office and my neighbor is about 10 acres away and not another house in sight! Off in the distance is the Bald Hills where timber is a cash crop. Maybe my edges are a little crowded. I’m thinking hundreds of acres in the mountains away from the sight of every smokestack! That’s Life!

Anyway. My thought today revolves around those who are living too close to the proverbial edge. They are taking chances with their health, career, family, reputation, and public image. In this social conscious world, and blazing internet space where life is lived in the public arena, too many put too much out there – and the reality is that once you do it, there’s no way to undo and back up to a safe spot.

Again. Think of that astronaut… There is no way to undo the countdown because a little fear creeps in. The whole world is watching. Now. Should have thought about the consequences beforehand!

I’ve watched and listened as folks glibly post too much information, too revealing a photo, too much detail about their private life and thoughts – the thing is, there’s no recalling those “Enter” keystrokes! I’ve had to un-follow those who have revealed too much because I don’t need to know this about them! I may keep them as a contact point, but I refuse to go see their posts.

They are simply too close to the edge for my comfort.

“Who can you trust?” comes to mind from a movie scene… You have to know the reference to what I’m talking about, but it speaks volumes to me…

Who Can You Trust?

If we were smart, then one day we will awake in horror and realize how close to the edge we are and will scramble away to a safe place. It will be too late for the consequences of our previous choices, but maybe we can rebuild our reputation. Though tarnished, and some will never look at us the same way again, there can be a place of recovery and safety.

You may have thought your reputation was secure, but there are no guarantees. It only takes one false move to tarnish that which you thought was pristine. Click To Tweet

An actor has a great career and in today’s world, these roles are worldwide and forever! But make a poor choice on roles, or own a creepy backstory of life, then a carefully crafted image is tarnished to the masses. And that’s probably who they have been trying to reach! Why? Cha-Ching! Money! Money! Money! They were too close to the edge!

In the Psalms, we find one in the section called the Hallel – a group of psalms used for Jewish festivals (Psalms 113-118). There is no defined authorship of Psalms 118, and it can be applied to several events of Jewish history. But one verse popped out at me that covers my subject.

I was right on the cliff-edge, ready to fall, when GOD grabbed and held me.
(Psalms 118:13 MSG)

You would have to read the entire Psalms to get the complete meaning, but the writer talks about being hemmed in by nations and barbarians like swarming bees, pushed all the way to the edge of a cliff, ready to fall… But God…

There, but for the Grace of God, go I.

We’ve used this statement to thank God for not letting us be like we could have been had we made poor choices, wasn’t born in the right place, have the right color of skin, or even from the right nation. We looked at the bedraggled masses and uttered this prayer (yes, it’s probably a prayer!). We thank God that we are not like __________ (and you get to fill in the blank!).

I want to think about it another way.

But for the Grace of God, I could have fallen from my perch. But for the Grace of God, I could have been pushed too far. But for the Grace of God, I could have stumbled at the wrong moment… But for the Grace of God, I most certainly could have made the wrong choice!

But He grabbed me. He held me.

In the next few verses, the Psalms describes the rejoicing at finding oneself safe from definite destruction and failure:

GOD’s my strength,
he’s also my song,
and now he’s my salvation.
Hear the shouts,
hear the triumph songs in the camp of the saved?
“The hand of GOD has turned the tide!
The hand of GOD is raised in victory!
The hand of GOD has turned the tide!”
I didn’t die. I lived!
And now I’m telling the world what GOD did.
(Psalms 118:14-17 MSG)

The Psalms rejoices that even when too near the edge and about ready to plummet, God intervenes! He’s been my strength! He’s been my song! Now He’s my Salvation! My reputation may not be intact, but it matters little when God gets the credit for my salvation! Think about it! If God grabs you even after your image is tarnished, then Trusting God is all that really matters! And, others will follow your lead. Why?

There, but for the Grace of God, go I!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!