
Have you ever planned … and then analyzed how you approached to the final solution…. and realized how weird the path was to the final results.

Planning. Coordinating. Controlling. Execution. And then a look over the shoulder to see how well you’ve done.

I do this every Sunday afternoon. Did church go like I had planned? Was my message effective as I hoped? Or did I wander all over the place?

Planning is good,
but reality is real.

Just saying. Don’t think you have failed just because you did not go straight to the point of your project. Sometimes things work differently than you plan, but if you stayed true to why you do what you do, then the opportunity is there for success to be something other than what you planned.

As we get closer to retirement I realize The Right Side is how more of us approach those senior years, when we should have been taking action steps like The Left Side.

Just saying…

With everything in life… Think it through. Plan for the best, and hope you can make some sense of the final results. Click To Tweet

Think it through. Plan for the best, and hope you can make some sense of the final results. One of these days you will know if you did all the right things because the results are acceptable.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!