Perhaps you’ve never experienced this, but there have been times in my younger days that I remember pulling up to the “full service” gas pump, rolling down the window and telling the attendant to “Fill’er Up!”. This immediately brought several questions to the surface. What grade of gas? Lo-test? Hi-test? Will you pop the hood so I can check your fluids? Wiper blades ok? Tire pressure?

If you’ve never been to a true “Full Service” gas station then you have no clue of the service that used to be part of the extra price you paid to have your gas pumped. Your vehicle was analyzed, topped, filled and tested to ensure it was road worthy! The only thing you had to do was sit and wait for the gas total so you could pay and hit the road fully equipped to face the challenge of driving with the Tiger in the Tank! (Exxon Days!)

I was thinking about this in light of all the recent news cycles. You sit back, turn on the news, open your mind and tell the broadcaster to “Fill’er up!” And you top off your view of the world based upon some headline that gets fed by the caterwauling journalist who no longer reports the news, but tries to fuel your angst!

Okay. I’m not being political here. Instead of the news cycle, I would much rather listen to a good Bible Study like we did last night and fill my mind and spirit with Godly words that take me further down the road of life than the current news cycle!

Here’s my thought. Apply it to the news cycle, or to the taught Word of God. It was after some difficult lessons that Jesus knew many were in turmoil over his words. He questions his own disciples, “Will you go away also?” To which that impetuous Peter spoke and said, “To whom would we go? You have the words of eternal life!” (John 6:67-68)

To the which I think, we fill our lives up with a lot of junk. Hollywood. Fiction. Entertainment. News. World events. If only we would equally fill our time with the Word of God then slowly we would see all those other points of filling for what they are – not important enough to drown ourselves with! And that’s where we are today. We are drowning with the overwhelming mind of this present age.

David said, “Thy words have I hid in my heart that I might now sin against thee…” (Psalms 119:11) Imagine. Filling your heart with the Good Word of God to keep your heart from sinning!

Why don't you sit down with your bible, pray a prayer over what God intends for you to receive from it, and then open the pages and say, Fill'er up, Lord! Click To Tweet

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!