A Walk in the Words
The meaning of a word can be different by language, culture, time and location.
The meaning of a word can be different by language, culture, time and location.
Honesty Wins Your Day: If you want to win your day... "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation…
I have knowledge, but what I know, and I ask this of myself often, is it the truth?
Proverbs 19:17 Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will repay him for his deed.
Know His Words, and you will more aptly persuade yourself of His Love, Grace, Mercy, Peace, and Truth. Let His…
Yes, I participated online, But the medicine made it seem unreal. So, I paused until I felt better, And then…
.. .Connecting Words to Actions tells us the Truth of the Ages! ...
Sweetening The Offer: It's been difficult to make the best choice in life when there's more variety and options than…
Think, Thank, Rejoice, Worship: Reactions are priceless when we do something thoughtful for no apparent reason—positive or negative reactions. But…
Longsuffering Love: I am not looking to be the voice of condemnation. I want to be the voice of one…