Sunday Means ChurchSunday Means Church

It’s seldom that I miss Sunday Church,
Or even a mid-week Bible Study,
When I do, it’s most likely I’m sick,
Or vacationing or at a conference.

Vacation from God? No way!
I went to church today!

Today? I was sick. Contagious, I’m sure.
So I became wise in my delirium,
And stayed home to protect others.
We’ve learned this more since the pandemic.

Yes, I participated online,
But the medicine made it seem unreal.
So, I paused until I felt better,
And then I had a wild idea.

Why not go to church after everyone is gone?
The medicine had worn down, and the eyes stopped crossing,
The coughing and wheezing were at bay, no fever. Okay!
So, I tootled down the highway. Church? Here I come.

Of course, everyone was gone. Not a soul was found.
I wandered the seats, the platform, and the back hall.
I could sense the power of a service recently ended.
At that moment, I knew God’s presence doesn’t leave
Just because we turn out the lights, lock the doors,
And say goodbye – It’s His House. He’s Always There.

I lingered a few minutes, satisfied.
God had met some needs, lifted the downtrodden,
Mended the heartbroken and strengthened the weak.
Church was where it happened. And I was there.

Prayer and Worship, Word and Truth,
We don’t have “church” unless He’s the focus.
Jesus is found where His people are, even when at home.
The power comes in numbers, a gathering of two or three,
His power flows more readily – a three-fold cord?
You, Me, and God – that will never be broken.

So, take some times this week. It’s important.
Run by the church, unlock the doors, flip on some light.
Just sit, enjoy, and soak it up. Wander the aisles
Where praises and prayers went up.
Listen to the Word coming in waves of Truth.
You can join me and say…

I went to church…

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!