Do You Hear What I Hear
Do You Hear What I Hear: Let this be the season when we listen to what the Lord hears and…
Do You Hear What I Hear: Let this be the season when we listen to what the Lord hears and…
On this sabbath day, the original day of rest, may we focus on why we are, whose we are, and…
The voices you choose to hear will speak to you so uniquely. Listen and learn. Grow and become. It's never…
Lost in Transmission: The pandemic has done something to us. We've tuned out and turned it off. Chuck it all…
Some of my best conversations are often with myself. I can be creative and condemning, lighthearted, even heavy.
Think about it for a moment. The words we use have power! It's not just the person we have a…
The obvious answer is that you hear what you listen for. Then, rephrase the question, "What are you listening for?"
I was talking to someone who has a job title as a Communication Specialist. And, if you’ve ever been around…
The games are abundant now that we have portable devices to carry to our grave, and perhaps you know what…
If No One Hears: The day is closing and I’ve not shared. The struggle is that my brain is wired…