SundialSilent Ticking of Time

Perhaps this word has been on my back burner from the weekend through today.

Gradual. Gradually. Gradualness.
Root? From the Latin gradus meaning steps.
With the word, we describe the world around us.
Oh. And that report card at the end? Grades…

As an adjective, it describes the degree of change.
As a noun, it’s the individual steps of movement.
Whatever way you use it, the movement itself does not have to be fast or slow.
You note there is a difference whether moving up or down.

We live life gradually.
We slowly grow older or more in/out of shape,
Not as a sudden change,
But one that has been showing up for a while.

Suddenly, it seems we “like” something,
Maybe it’s after that first taste,
But we often say it differently,
“It sort of grows on you.”

Love is much the same way.
It doesn’t come suddenly,
It takes a while to develop
The one you adore? You gradually grew into.

Change a habit? Not Suddenly. No!
It’s a gradual process of change.
It’s done bit by bit, says Solomon,
“Here a little, there a little.”

These are wise words to consider when things change this year.
Will it take 365 days to change the ending? Or…
Will you suddenly have everything done on day 1?
If so, what will you be doing day 2?

If you want to change, or so it is said,
A habit of being different takes 21 days of consistency.
That’s hard to do when adding something new.
Conquer your goal with gradual steps. See. It’s doable.

Though sin can be forgiven instantly! Hallelujah!
The change that keeps us sinless is gradual.
Change is not an overnight success.
It’s called transformational for a reason.

It’s gradual. Get it? Like a butterfly.
It’s gradual. Scripture calls it a transformation.
From the Greek word, metamorphosis.
Slowly and gradually, we become.

It’s like time, it ticks so quickly
Second by second to arrive at a minute.
Minute to hours, hours to days,
Slowly we arrive to weeks, months and years.

So. A last thought. Change is not always pretty.
Often, it’s distasteful and not enjoyable to see.
Yet, we focus on the ending results.
The final view of what we want to be.

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God,
that you present your bodies a living sacrifice,
holy, acceptable to God,
which is your reasonable service.
And do not be conformed to this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind,
that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
(Romans 12:1-2 NKJV)

Gradually We Change: Change is gradual, as a butterfly. Transformational. Metamorphosis from what we were to what we want to be come. Slowly, gradually, we change. Click To Tweet

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Please share with others.
It helps me get my book written!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!