Personal ReflectionsPersonal Reflections

Yesterday was my last birthday in my 60s. How quickly did this day arrive? I’m considered a New Year baby any given year, just not one born on the first day. Mine is a scary number to some, perhaps, but I own the 13th!

Despite the cold and icy roads – we lived through this for over 16 years up north – we struck out to eat and browse. Take time, watch out for others, and practice safe driving habits. The more you do it, the more apt you are to see that you can still be mobile. Practice. Perfect. Got it?!

We had a good lunch at a favorite steak house, browsed a once important (to us) bookstore and bought nothing, and drove home to spend the waning hours of daylight with the animals important to our lives.

Since it’s been cold, I’ve been changing out the Hummingbird Feeders every 4-5 hours. When they start to freeze, I replace them with one that will last longer, and I know they are thankful. Where else will they feed if we don’t do our job? (That thought prompted many other thoughts about responsibilities.)

At least four other birds are suddenly challenging the two local birds we care for!

The blinds are opened, and the birds are flitting dangerously close to each other, challenging a feeding spot, or perhaps they are threatened by each other. Then we saw a “mating” and realize someone must have been in love.

Where did they come from? Where are they sleeping? What can we do to make their world safer?

We feed and watch over other birds in our habitat; the little squirrel from across the street feasts on our acorns, and the stray cat comes by every evening for feeding and petting.

Then, this morning, setting up the hummingbird feeder and turning on the heat lamp (it’s 13 degrees), one bird comes flying slowly within inches of my task and settles in for a room temperature drink. It’s barely light!

I was just in time…

And that’s my thought. In time.
Sometimes just, and other times early,
but I want to be someone others can depend on.
Why? I care.

Maybe this is our humanity seeing a need,
or my personality, saying it’s more about others than me.
We are not in this life alone.
Nor can we meet every need.
But that which the good Lord put me in charge of,
I’m here, there, everywhere, anywhere…
Why? I care.

Reflections of Yesterday: We are not in this life alone.Nor can we meet every need.But where the Lord has placed me…That's my "there." Click To Tweet

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It helps me get my book written!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!