It’s Monday, January 8, 2024. It’s week number two of a 52 standard week year. It’s still the first month, and the numbers are still single digital. You may feel like you’ve barely arrived, but this year is firmly entrenched.

I’m thinking about this past week and the future of this year. What are you thinking about?

Many “resolutions” have fallen by the wayside. Remember, however, that developing habits have longer-lasting life impressions. If you want change, you must be willing to embrace new habits. If you don’t know where you are going, then you are already where you’ll be.

My plan to read so many scriptures each day failed miserably. Why? I bounce all over the place. When I read something worth thinking about, then I spend minutes and hours researching, studying, thinking, and finally writing down a layout for future use. That’s me. It doesn’t have to be you.

I don’t need a plan to read, study, or write. I plan on finding some better things to read, study, and then write about for the future.

I’m working hard on my health. ‘Nuf said.

This is also my last year in my 60s, and we will celebrate our 50th anniversary. Woo Hoo!

One thing I’m firm about. This year will be more about saying “no” over saying “why not.”

This is an election year. So. That means we will be inundated with advertisements. One certain politician who has thrown her hat in the ring has been bombarding my text inbox for several weeks. I don’t expect it to change. Since I don’t know who will be in the final countable ballot, I prefer to stand on the sidelines and choose with my vote this November.

The first Sunday is over. I cannot redo or undo. I can only work harder for better choices in the future. That’s Life!

I have a plan for this last stage of my life, and I keep adding to the plan for living my life.

Focus on the world around me,
but don’t get caught up with all the grumpiness and change.

Stay positive. Being negative will kill you!

Be a difference and by being so, you will make a difference.

Use what you have where you are, and make wise use of your resources.

There are things I want to remember.

The grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence.

You will only have the type of friend you are to others.

Planning is better than reaction,
but when put to use, plans must be adaptable.

Seek First…God’s Kingdom…and everything falls into place.

Week 02, 2024: The blessings of our past include the benefits of our habits and they help you to live better today, and thrust you into your future. Click To Tweet

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!