Last Family Picture, August 2019Last Family Picture, August 2019

I come from a large family dynamic on both sides of my tree. Some I’ve never met, but the DNA tree constantly shows me new potential connections.

I am also blessed to be part of a large Christian and Church Family.

How can I be so lucky? So blessed?

A connection of mine is a scientist who came out of a “militant atheist family” and realized the bigger world of a church family.

Two of his recent thoughts go like this:

  • I never understood what the phrase “born again” could possibly mean, until it happened to me. When Jesus comes into your life, everything becomes new.
  • I didn’t become a Christian so I could have the blessings of a church family. But when I did, I did.

Say hello to Sy Garte. Born again and changed from his roots, he’s now part of the same big family I worship with each Sunday! No. He doesn’t go to my church, but we must remember Jesus said it’s His Church! (Matthew 16:18)

Think of it like this.

My blog software works differently on every platform I use. Mobile phones, tablets, portable computers, or desktop computers each have a similar face, but each has a different approach. Now, change the operating system or language dynamics, and it’s even more varied.

I heard one popular app had over 1,100 versions running at any moment to meet the needs around the globe.

But they are all under the same umbrella.

That’s one big family!

Today, I want to remind myself that we all stand equally at the foot of the cross, the door of the tomb, and on the Day of Pentecost. We approach Christ from many angles. But we are part of the same family.

Let’s take some personal time to celebrate our family!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!