Sometimes, the day is perfect, even if it’s long.
But when it’s not, then even a short day seems longer.
Sunday was a long day, but I felt good about it.
Even with long lines for the rental car.

All in all, I’m content.
A long conversation with a new friend on the plane.
He’s a few years older but we had so much in common.
Texas. Alaska. And decades of similar stories.
I learned a lot, and I hope he was equally blessed.

But the fact that I’ve arrived, settling in to my room,
It’s 2 a.m. or later, and my day is winding down.
I’m thinking through to a conclusion,
Is the day completed? Everything done?
Or do I make a note about carrying through to tomorrow.
Wait. Today. Yes. It’s been that long.

I wondered about Daniel in the Lion’s den… did it feel short or long?
How long in the fire were the Hebrew boys?
When Noah was in the ark, with no lights, entertainment,
Books to read, or social media to occupy himself, how long did the flood feel?
If you travel 100 miles at 10 mph, does it feel as long as it sounds?

For just a moment, think about your life… Does it feel long or short?
As I think about where it’s all going, suddenly it feels like it’s getting very short, very fast, and if we’re not careful, it’s all going to be over before we think it through.

Listen, there’s more to life than the destination. IT’s the journey that’s important. Sometimes it’s fast, other times slow. Sometimes the distance seems insurmountable. It all depends on you…

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!