Clock GearsTime Always Shows UP

It’s Friday, the 13th of October, 2023.
Some think this is a day of bad timing,
But since the 13th is my birth date, another month and day.
Used to it, I am, or so my mind says.

But this is a special day.
We’re unloading the house for a flooring project.
We’ve made several Goodwill runs.
My truck is filling up with stuff for the dump.

We’ve called a friend, and his company
To come move boxes and furniture out of the house
Into a pod; some things will never come back.
Why? We’re making some hard choices.
Streamlining? Trimming the ranks? Unloading some clutter?
A little bit of everything.

Some of the choices hurt… But they must be made.
We’re recycling as much as possible.
I’m even sending many of my books away.
Worth some money? Probably.
But time doesn’t show up for me to handle them better.

When we moved here 20 years ago,
The movers packed up our house in Anchorage.
Before we had time to trim! Oh, no!
Everything came. Yes. Even some trash.

We figured to make the time to weed through the morass.
But time never showed up. Life was, and is, busy.
There’s so little extra time, so we learned to live with too much stuff.
We failed to unload, you know, redistribute the wealth.

Along the way, several folks have lived here with us.
They left some things behind, and the house filled up even more.
Even my office! It became a storage room.
So, I packed up my immediate needs and moved the office out of the house.

It was way too early to think this through. It is my last day to organize.
Tomorrow, a special celebration service and preparation for Sunday.
Then, I fly away. It’s not downtime that’s coming. But a week of busy.
I get to see family, friends, and places. Learn. Plan. Motivate for change.

Time Always Shows Up: Every day, the same amount, but we get to choose how to spend it. Wisely? Or not. Before you know it, time becomes history, and it's too late. Click To Tweet

Where did time go? The truth be known.
It shows up every day, the same amount all the time.
We get to choose how to spend it.
I must carve out the time that will show up,
And ensure I spend it wisely. That’s the rub.
Wisely. Pick and choose how you spend it.
Create boundaries and space. Time ticks into place.
It’s really me who must adapt my willingness to control the time available.

I’ve changed the title multiple times.
From Where Does Time Go, to No Time, and Time Never Shows UP.
Finally. I realize. Time Always Shows Up. Spend it wisely.
Use it with all your ability. Don’t let it go to waste.
Before you realize it, time will only be history.

Thank you for reading.
Please share with others.
It helps me get my book written!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!